Plaid Parliament of Pwning
Welcome to the home page of the PPP, Carnegie Mellon's hacking team. This site hosts our write-ups and discussions about capture the flag competitions. Interested in joining? See here!
参加国外大学的CTF战队(如PPP,Shellphish)是怎样的一种体 …
Carnegie Mellon’s Hacking Team Wins 7th DEF CON Capture the …
2023年8月14日 · The winningest team in DEF CON ’s Capture the Flag (CTF) competition history, Carnegie Mellon University’s Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP), was at it again, defending its title and earning its seventh victory in the past 11 years.
About Us — Plaid Parliament of Pwning
Plaid Parliament of Pwning is a CTF team from Carnegie Mellon University formed in 2009. Comprised of undergrads, graduate students, and alumni, the PPP competes internationally in many of top security competitions. As well as competing, PPP also hosts our own competition, a challenging and fun competition called PlaidCTF.
遇见PPP,全球最强黑客团队之一 - 搜狐
2016年7月19日 · PPP (PLAID PARLIAMENT OF PWNING)——近几年崛起的超神明星战队,来自美国CMU (卡内基梅隆大学),队内有Geohot神奇小子和Ricky两位国际最高水平黑客作为双子领军。 被XCTF全国联赛共同发起人与执行组织者诸葛建伟老师称为超强战队。 团队口号:PPP FOR Life! 2010年开始成长,USB ICTF 冠军,Rooted Con 冠军,Codegate 进入决赛,第二名。 Defco预赛13名,进入Defcon 18总决赛后补队伍,实际已经进入,但没有成行。 2012年已经 …
Plaidiverse is the 2022 edition of PlaidCTF, an annual capture the flag competition run by PPP. Experiences Innovation that will shape how we connect in the Plaidiverse
斩获全球最顶级赛事总冠军!浙大这支神秘战队够硬核_澎湃号·政 …
2020 DEFCON CTF全球总决赛落下帷幕. 浙江大学战队. Azure Assassin Alliance (AAA) 参与的腾讯A*0*E 联合战队. 经过三天三夜的苦战. 斩获了最顶级 CTF 赛事的总冠军. 这也是DEFCON CTF在20多年历史上. 首个由中国战队拿下的冠军. 驰骋在信息安全技术的赛场上. 立志守护网络安 …
Carnegie Mellon’s hacking team wins third straight, record eighth ...
2024年8月12日 · The winningest team in DEF CON’s Capture-the-Flag (CTF) competition history, Carnegie Mellon University’s Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP), won its third consecutive title, earning its eighth victory in the past 12 years.
CMU hacking team wins eighth DEF CON Capture-the-Flag title
2024年8月12日 · The winningest team in DEF CON’s Capture-the-Flag (CTF) competition history, Carnegie Mellon University’s Plaid Parliament of Pwning (PPP), won its third consecutive title, earning its record eighth victory in the past 12 years.
卡内基梅隆大学PPP团队在网络安全领域的第八个冠军成就 - 美国 …
2024年12月4日,PPP团队在2024年8月12日的DEF CON Capture the Flag(CTF)比赛中夺得第八个冠军,成为历史上赢得该赛事最多的团队。 这一成就不仅是PPP团队成员的努力和智慧的结晶,更是 卡内基梅隆大学 在网络安全教育和研究领域卓越表现的体现。