2015年8月31日 · If employee is not already registered for all 4 Zones, note date of initial registration − File maintain as necessary to ensure minimum area of referral criteria are met
For the purposes of the PPP, there are five DoD Components: Army, Navy, Air Force, DLA, and the Fourth Estate (comprised of OSD, Defense Agencies (except DLA) and Field Activities).
Priority Placement Program - DCPAS
The three-and-one-half day Basic PPP training course for Human Resources practitioners covers the policy and procedures for matching and filling positions, registration of employees, the …
What is the Priority Placement Program (PPP)? A. The PPP is an automated mandatory placement program used to match eligible well-qualified employees, most of whom are subject …
Returning From Overseas Employment - Defense Logistics Agency
Priority Placement Program (PPP) The PPP is a DoD-wide automated program to assist in the placement of employees adversely affected by actions such as Reduction-in-Force, base …
The employee's initial availability will be for up to one full PPP Zone; this Zone will be the Zone in the US from which the employee was recruited or a Zone less distant from the overseas …
DCIPS Lifecycle, Separation - U.S. Department of Defense
PPP is an automated, mandatory placement program used to match well-qualified employees, who are facing dislocation or separation, with vacant positions elsewhere in DoD. Registration …
Priority Placement Program (PPP) Briefing Nondisplaced
60 Two U.S. Zones, including the Zone for which initially registered and an adjacent Zone
Priority Placement Program (PPP) This is a DoD placement program for employees adversely impacted by actions such as reduction in force (RIF), base closures, contracting out and …
购买力平价 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
购买力平价(英語: Purchasing power parity ,缩写 PPP ),是一种根據各国不同的价格水平,计算出货币之间的等值系数,使我们能够在经济学上对各国的国内生产总值进行合理比较, …