PPQ M2 | 4" XS Night Sights – www.waltherarms.com
Designed for right and left-handed shooters, the PPQ M2 features an ambidextrous slide stop and reversible button-style magazine release. Out of the box, the PPQ is one of the most versatile pistols on the market! The size and capacity make it an excellent option for concealed carry, home defense, duty use, recreational, or competition shooting.
瓦爾特PPQ半自動手槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中華民國內政部 警政署 使用的是PPQ M2警用客製化版本,通稱:Walther PPQ M2 NPA型手槍,差異為採彈匣釋放桿、有無保險、 多邊形膛線 (英语:Polygonal rifling) 槍管與修改滑套設計型 [21] 滑套,膛線工法明顯來自PPQ 45技術。
Handgun Review: Walther PPQ M2 - Gun Digest
2013年12月27日 · The Walther PPQ M2 bridges the gap between subcompact pistols and full-sized handguns with no loss in accuracy or reliability. Smooth shooting and beautifully …
Walther PPQ M2 For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
This full-size 9mm or 45 ACP striker-fired pistol features a textured grip surface and three interchangeable backstraps, an integral Picatinny rail for mounting aftermarket accessories, three-dot low profile sights that won’t snag when drawn from concealment, and a double-action trigger with a short pull and quick reset.
手枪科普:瓦尔特PPQ - 哔哩哔哩
2023年10月28日 · 2017年SHOT Show以上首次亮相,为PPQ(M2)之比赛衍生型,具有9×19毫米和.40 S&W这两种口径,采用更长的127毫米(5寸)枪管和延长至183毫米(7.2寸)瞄准基线的套筒组件,并在套筒前端止滑纹及加长部分做出两排三个椭圆形、类似枪口制动器的切孔。
PPQ M2 NAVY PS 4,6" SD barrel (2813793) - Carl Walther
The hammerless action in conjunction with up-to-date materials permits a very compact design and it considerably reduces the number of parts required when compared to hammer-fired pistols. The WALTHER PPQ is a designated law enforcement pistol. Its design is based on the Technical Specifications for Pistols of the German Police.
【当家花旦】瓦尔特PPQ M2手枪_射击 - 搜狐
2018年11月5日 · PPQ M2手枪有9×19mm派拉贝鲁姆和.40 史密斯韦森两种口径,弹匣容量为15或17发(2发为弹匣扩展附件为选购附件)。 第一个特点是公司的“快速自卫扳机(quick defense trigger)”这一创新改变,先前的瓦尔特产品只有一个单独的扳机,PPQ M2会有一个跟glock差不多 …
Walther PPQ 22 M2 5" .22lr Pistol, Blk - 5100302 - Palmetto State Armory
Walther delivers one of the most satisfying shooting experiences yet with the incredibly proficient PPQ 22 M2. This handgun features all the outstanding benefits of the PPQ series in a convenient rimfire caliber. The platform uniquely allows PPQ owners to utilize standard PPQ 9mm holsters for practice at the range, at a fraction of the ammo cost!
- 评论数: 5
Walther PPQ M2 4-Inch 9mm for Concealed Carry - USA Carry
2017年12月19日 · Walther Arms’ PPQ (Police Pistol Quick Defense) M2 (Model with American-style magazine release button) is one of them, and it is not your usual semi-automatic striker-fired pistol. In 2016, I reviewed the PPQ M2 5-inch barrel full-size model for competition and home defense and liked it so much that I bought it.
Walther Arms PPQ M2 Subcompact 9mm 10rd & 15rd 3.5"
The PPQ M2 is a true breakthrough in ergonomics for self-defense handguns. The sculpted grip meshes smoothly into the hand. The trigger is the finest ever on a polymer, striker-fired handgun. The styling is elegant and trim. What's more, the PPQ M2 has been updated with a new traditional reversible mag release button. Specifications: Weight: 21 ...
- 评论数: 25