Measuring readmissions after surgery: do different methods tell …
2015年3月19日 · We found that hospitals' HWR and PPR rates were highly correlated (r = .85, P < .0001). The overall agreement between these 2 methods in categorizing hospital performance was 82% for all surgeries, 82% for colectomy, 84% for coronary bypass, and 87% for hip/knee replacement, respectively.
Measuring readmissions after surgery: do different methods …
Results: We found that hospitals' HWR and PPR rates were highly correlated (r = .85, P < .0001). The overall agreement between these 2 methods in categorizing hospital performance was 82% for all surgeries, 82% for colectomy, 84% for coronary bypass, and …
The Validity of All-Cause 30-Day Readmission Rate as a Hospital ...
2019年8月1日 · Risk-adjusted all-cause 30-day readmission rate (ACRR) following total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is currently used as a metric of hospital performance as part of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program.
Hybrid Hospital-Wide Readmission (HWR) Measure with Claims …
Hybrid Hospital-Wide Readmission (HWR) Measure with Claims and Electronic Health Record Data measures facility-level risk-standardized rate of readmission (RSRR) within 30 days of discharge from an inpatient admission, among Medicare Fee-For-Service (FFS) and Medicare Advantage (MA) patients aged 65 years and older.
Planned Readmission Algorithm (PRA): The PRA is used to identify whether a readmission should be considered planned or unplanned for the purposes of measure calculation. The PRA algorithm and accompanying documentation can be found in the Hospital-Wide Readmission (HWR) Measure Code Specifications Supplemental File.5.
Correlation between hospitals' risk-adjusted HWR rates and risk-adjusted PPR rates among VA hospitals. HWR = hospital-wide readmission; PPR = potentially preventable readmission; VA = Veterans Health Administration.
Hybrid HWR Measure Implementation Timeline. The FY 2020 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) rule finalized the following: • 2023 voluntary reporting • 2024 voluntary reporting • Mandatory reporting under the Hospital IQR Program starting in 2025 (FY 2026 payment determination) • Removal of the claims-based HWR measure from the
Define the Hybrid HWR measure. Understand the benefits of voluntary submission in Calendar Year (CY) 2018. Locate resources related to the Hybrid HWR measure. The Hybrid HWR measure was implemented in the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program as a voluntary measure for 2018.
IQR Program Rule History - Quality Reporting Center
Hospital IQR Program. IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule Federal Register Citations. · Adopted policy: If a hospital has 5 or fewer discharges for a quarter, it is not required to submit patient-level data. · Updated the reconsideration process including clarification: Hospitals have 30 days from date of notification to submit a recon.
Measuring readmissions after surgery: do different methods tell …
2016年7月1日 · We found that hospitals' HWR and PPR rates were highly correlated (r = .85, P < .0001). The overall agreement between these 2 methods in categorizing hospital performance was 82% for all surgeries, 82% for colectomy, 84% for coronary bypass, and 87% for hip/knee replacement, respectively.