ROS机器人实例 —— PR2 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PR2(Personal Robot 2,个人机器人2代)是Willow Garage公司设计的机器人平台,其中数字2代表第二代机器人。 PR2有两条手臂,每条手臂七个关节,手臂末端是一个可以张合的夹爪;PR2依靠底部的四个轮子移动,在头…
pr2_arm_kinematics - ROS Wiki
The pr2_arm_kinematics package is a PR2 specific package that provides IK solutions for the PR2 robot arms. The recommended interface is through ROS. The node provides multiple interfaces (listed in the ROS API below) and can be used to …
Robots/PR2 - ROS Wiki
PR2. ROS Software Maintainer: Community Volunteers / Partially Unmaintained. The PR2 is a mobile manipulation platform built by Willow Garage. The PR2 software system is written entirely in ROS. As such, all PR2 capabilities are available via ROS interfaces. If you are using a PR2, we recommend starting with the PR2 User Manual. The information ...
MATLAB与ROS开始(3)---PR2机器人运动控制(翻译)_pr2机器 …
2018年11月23日 · 本文详细介绍如何在MATLAB中利用ROS动作客户端和逆运动学控制PR2机械臂的运动,包括关节轨迹规划、末端执行器位置计算及机器人状态获取等关键步骤。 1、前记: 一切都是铺垫,要在张牙舞爪的世界里要拼到最后。 博客内容主要来源mathwork官网: https://www.mathworks.com/help/robotics/examples.html?category=manipulators 中的 机械臂 算法 -示例第四个 https://www.mathworks.com/help/robotics/examples/control-pr2-arm …
Control PR2 Arm Movements Using ROS Actions and Inverse …
In this task, you send joint trajectories to the PR2 arms. The arms can be controlled via ROS actions. Joint trajectories are manually specified for each arm and sent as separate goal messages via separate action clients. Create a ROS simple action client to send goal messages to move the right arm of the robot.
ROS Melodic 安装PR2 - CSDN博客
2020年8月16日 · PR2所有的软件代码都依托于ROS,官方给出的PR2安装推荐ROS Indigo版本。 下面介绍以下ROS melodic版本如何安装PR2。 当然前提是ubuntu18.04中已经安装了ROS melodic 版本。
Towards autonomous robotic butlers: Lessons learned with the PR2
In this paper we present our experiences and results while building an autonomous robotic assistant using the PR2 1 platform and ROS2. The system integrates several new components that are built on top of the PR2's current capabilities.
ROS从入门到精通系列(十三)-- PR2移动双臂机器人基础_pr2机 …
2020年12月28日 · 双臂机器人(Dual-arm Robot)是一种配备有两个机械臂的机器人系统,通常设计用于完成需要高精度、高灵活性和复杂交互的任务。 与单臂 机器人 相比, 双臂 机器人 能够进行更加复杂的操作和任务协作,比如搬运、装配、装卸、抓取等。
PR2 - GitHub
PR2-specific components that are used in bringing up a robot. The controllers that run in realtime on the PR2 and supporting packages. Infrastructure to control the PR2 robot in a hard realtime …
Collision Detecting and Arm Planning - ROS robotics news
2009年8月26日 · When the PR2's arm moves in front of the sensors, two problems occur: the arm looks like an obstacle in the environment, and the arm blocks the robot's view of the environment behind the arm. The robot_self_filter, in combination with the collision_map, allows the PR2 to disregard its arm as an obstacle, and "remember" objects behind the arm.