MSD’s SECTOR® PR2 Model 1800 instrument uses MSD’s MULTI-ARRAY® electrochemiluminescence (ECL) technology to carry out highly sensitive, multiplexed immunoassays for biothreat agents.
PR2 Series - CBRNE Tech Index
PR2 Series. Meso Scale Defense’s technology uses proprietary MULTI-ARRAY and MULTI-SPOT microplates with carbon electrodes integrated into the bottom of the plate. Biological reagents can be attached to the carbon simply by passive adsorption and retain a high level of biological activity.
SECTOR PR2 1800 Immunoassay Plate Reader | Meso Scale Defense
The SECTOR PR2 is a benchtop assay plate reader with multiplexing capabilities.
SECTOR® PR2 Model 1800 | Meso Scale Diagnostics (MSD), LLC
The SECTOR® PR2 instrument product line uses MSD’s MULTI-ARRAY® electrochemiluminescence (ECL) technology to carry out highly sensitive, multiplexed immunoassays for biothreat agents. The PR2...
Field Identification of Biological Warfare Agents (FIBWA)
2024年11月1日 · Students will be trained on preparation of a variety of sample matrices, ECL procedures using the PR2/MagPix analyzer, and interpretation of results. Protocols for major threat agents will be reviewed.
•MSD PR2 1800 Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) machine identifies specific biological toxin and proteins, compatible with Department of Defense detection methods
Notable Contracts: Meso Scale Diagnostics - Global Biodefense
2014年6月30日 · The PR2 Model 1800 has the following characteristics listed as essential to the requirements at USAMRIID: ability to measure multiple agents (toxins, viruses and bacteria) from a single sample, electrochemiluminescence (ECL) signal detection technology, plate based immunoassay system capable of 96-well (9, 16, and 25 spot multiplex plates ...
Superbrilliant® 预染发光蛋白免疫印迹Marker (ZS-PR24005)
全新研发的 Prestained & Luminescence Western Blot Marker是专门为 Western Blot 试验设计的分子量标准,由 9 种发光蛋白和 9 种预染蛋白组成;9 中发光蛋白分别为 23、30、36、44、50、62、90、120 和 160KDa,这些蛋白均可与抗体结合, 因此能与抗原在同一张膜上曝出信号,阳性信号可以直接通过 Western Marker 的位置来判断;9 种预染蛋白分别为 15、25、35、40、55、70、100、130 和 180 KDa,其中 70 KDa为红色,其他为蓝色,转膜完毕后在膜上肉眼可见。
NBC - medtrng.com
Students will be familiarized with the theory and practice of detecting agents (bacteria and toxins) in unknown samples using electrochemiluminescent technology. Students will be trained on preparation of a variety of sample matrices, ECL procedures using the PR2/MagPix analyzer, and interpretation of results.
电化学发光(ECL)材料有哪些?看这一篇就够了! - 知乎
作为ECL领域的一种新型发光材料,金属纳米簇与传统的钌、鲁米诺等ECL发光试剂相比,具有一些明显的优势,例如低的生物毒性、高的稳定性、可调的发光性能,简单的合成操作、易标记等。 因此,金属纳米簇在ECL领域是一类非常有前景的新型发光纳米材料。 金纳米簇 (AuNCs) 是化学性质最稳定的金属纳米团簇之一,具有良好的生物相容性、独特的光学和电化学性质、广泛的分子结构和直接电子跃迁特性,在ECL领域引起了广泛的关注,常被应用于小分子、生物大分子、 …