pr2_gripper_action - ROS Wiki
The pr2_gripper_action provides an action interface for using the gripper. Users can specify what position to move to (while limiting the force) and the action will report success when the …
pr2_controllers/Tutorials/Moving the gripper - ROS Wiki
Commanding the gripper to open and close requires three components: the higher level program that sends desired positions to the action node. The first two of these components are …
Force Control with the PR2 Gripper - ROS Wiki
This tutorial will show you to use the basic pr2_gripper_sensor_action commands of find_contact force_servo and gripper_action to open the gripper, then quickly find contact with an object, …
Control PR2 gripper in moveit grasp pipeline
The gripper of the PR2 robot can be controlled with an action client in wich you specify the gripper openning size and the controller handles all the complicated joint control.
How to move PR2 gripper in Gazebo 7 & ROS Kinetic
2018年6月27日 · Hi, Some months ago I joined an ongoing project with PR2, ROS and Gazebo. We're facing problems when trying to move the PR2 gripper and I would like to confirm some …
ros - PR2 Velocity Control - Robotics Stack Exchange
2012年1月26日 · Is it possible to control the velocity (effort) of a PR2's gripper? So instead giving the position of the gripper, calculating the IK etcetc, I would like to give the velocity of the …
ROS Package: pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs - Robot Operating System
2025年3月4日 · The pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs package contains various actions and messages that are used in the pr2_gripper_sensor* packages. The structure of the API used by …
pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs - ROS Wiki
The pr2_gripper_sensor_msgs package contains various actions and messages that are used in the pr2_gripper_sensor* packages.
pr2_gripper_sensor_controller: Main Page - Robot Operating …
The pr2_gripper_sensor_controller package is a real-time controller that integrates signals from the PR2 hand-mounted accelerometer and finger-mounted pressure sensors with motor …
gazebo - Attaching PR2 Gripper to UR10 robot - Robotics Stack …
I am just starting with gazebo, and I have a problem with attaching the PR2 Gripper to the UR10 robot. I created the model.config and ur10PR2.sdf according to this tutorial. The problem is …