Designed to prevent compressor motor overload at start up conditions and other conditions (i.e. after defrost cycle) where high evaporating pressures can be expected. PRC Regulators limiting crankcase pressures above setting. Valve is made from …
Copeland 5/8" Solder Crankcase Pressure Regulator PRC-11A
Actrol is Australia’s largest wholesaler of parts to the refrigeration, air conditioning and allied industries. Today Actrol services both Australia and New Zealand with more than 70 branch locations in key metropolitan and regional areas.
PRC Series PRC Crankcase Pressure Regulators accurately maintain a predetermined maximum outlet pressure. Cat. No. Model No. Part No. Connection ODF Press. Range kPa Factory Setting kPa Press. Change Per Turn kPa Nominal Capacity kW R134a R22 R404A R507 R407C 2711096 PRC-11A SRJY5QALG1 5⁄8" 50 to 690 200 60 3.0 4.8 4.5 4.5
Evaporator and Crankcase Pressure Regulator Series PRE and PRC Features • Compact design permits minimal space requirements • Schrader valve on inlet for ease of setting • Direct operated regulator • Balanced port design provides accurate pressure control • Copper tubes for …
Evaporator and Crankcase Pressure Regulator Series PRE and PRC Features • Compact design permits minimal space requirements • Schrader valve on inlet for ease of setting • Direct operated regulator • Balanced port design provides accurate pressure control • Copper tubes for …
PRC-11A - copeland.com
PRC-11A - copeland.com ... PRC-11A
Alco start regulator PRC-11A 16mm solder 800384
The job of PRC pressure regulators is to protect the compressor motor from being overloaded in systems which can experience high intake pressures. High intake pressures can occur when a refrigeration system starts up, when a system is under a heavy load or after defrosting.
凯里PRC-11A-凯里PRC-11A价格批发公司-宁波隆腾轴承液压件有 …
prc-11a宁波隆腾轴承液压件有限公司为你详细介绍prc-11a的内容,包括prc-11a的用途、型号、范围、图片、评论等,在这里你可以得知所有prc-11a的新闻以及目前的市场prc-11a价格,prc-11a所属产品分类是辅件及非标定制,在全国地区获得用户好评,欲了解更多详细信息,请 ...
Copeland 5/8" Solder Crankcase Pressure Regulator PRC-11A
Technical Guide - Emerson Crankcase Pressure Regulator PRC View. Copeland 5/8" Solder Crankcase Pressure Regulator PRC-11A View in AR. Hold and drag the right mouse button to move objects. Scroll with the mouse wheel, or pinch with the trackpad, to zoom Hold and drag the left mouse button to rotate objects. ...
Alco Startregler PRC-11A 16mm Löt 800384 - schiessl-kaelte.com
Startregler der PRC-Baureihe haben die Aufgabe, in Anlagen in denen hohe Saugdrücke auftreten können, den Verdichtermotor vor Überlastung zu schützen. Hohe Saugdrücke können beim Start einer Kälteanlage, bei hoher Kühllast sowie nach einer Abtauung entstehen.