Officer Promotion Boards - AF
The promotion process demands high standards and a fair and equitable review. To be competitive, records must clearly demonstrate to the board that the officers are fully qualified to handle the responsibilities of the next higher grade. The Secretary of the Air Force sets a promotion quota for each grade.
Air Force introduces Two-Line Promotion Recommendation …
2019年5月13日 · The Air Force is transitioning to a new Two-Line Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF), for officers effective September 2019. This initiative impacting the Total Force was approved by the Secretary of the Air Force in April 2019 and will be implemented by the Air Reserve Component during the CY19 USAFR Colonel Promotion Board, convening 21 ...
Air Force simplifies promotion recommendation forms for …
2019年5月8日 · The Air Force announced today it will make adjustments to the way the Air Force Form 709, Promotion Recommendation Form, will be filled out and used for Total Force officer promotion boards beginning
2-line PRF template : r/AirForce - Reddit
2021年8月17日 · Does anyone have some templates they would like to share regarding two line PRFs? I know the first line should be somewhere along the lines of X/Y eligibles, coupled with some leadership superlatives and job performance. While the second line is more superlatives with a push of Def promote, promote, DNP, etc.
The governing policy for this instruction is Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-24, Military Evalua-tions. This instruction provides procedures for implementing Air Force (AF) Evaluation Systems policy for the Officer Evaluation System (O ES) and Enlisted Evaluation System (EES). It describes how to pre-
All Air Force officers departing for AF-level training have a Narrative-Only Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF) accomplished by their losing senior rater in accordance with AFI 36-2406, para, regardless of promotion eligibility.
Headquarters RIO > Career Management > Promotions - AF
Information on the 2-line Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF) can be found on myPers under the Promotion Tab. In the fall of 2020, ARPC will be incorporating new developmental categories into promotion boards.
2019年5月30日 · Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF) • Required: • Mandatory Board O-5 thru O-6 • Position Vacancy Nomination (O -4/O-5 Boards) • Do Not Promote (DNP) • New Process/Form • 2-Line PRF • Bullet format • Signed by SR • Senior rater fixed by policy • Promotion Recommendation block must have minimum of 1 bullet
Use Section A as your Quick Reference Guide to answer the basic questions before you begin and as a Checklist Reference when proofreading your reports prior to submission. Please read the rest of the guide for greater detail. Review the ratee’s previous performance reports -- make sure you know the person you’re rating!
SAF EPR/OPR/PRF WRITING GUIDE JANUARY 2001 Word Choice Ensure you emphasize action and results. Use the past tense form of verbs when possible. Strong descriptive words leave a lasting impression with readers. Dull and monotonous accounts of what someone did give your reader the impression that the person