Structure and Mode of Peptide Binding of Pheromone Receptor PrgZ
Oct 10, 2012 · We present the crystal structure of the pheromone receptor protein PrgZ from Enterococcus faecalis in complex with the heptapeptide cCF10 (LVTLVFV), which is used in signaling between conjugative recipient and donor cells.
两种 ABC 转运系统在粪肠球菌中进行肽摄取:它们在生长和性信息 …
在质粒 pCF10 的情况下,蛋白质是 PrgZ,它增强了对 cCF10 信息素的交配反应。 OppA 蛋白通常与相关的 OppBCDF ABC 转运蛋白一起发挥作用以输入肽。 在这项研究中,我们使用两种信息素诱导型荧光报告构建体分析了 PrgZ 与两种宿主编码的 Opp 转运蛋白的潜在相互作用。
Docosahexaenoic acid inhibits pheromone-responsive-plasmid …
Feb 15, 2023 · DHA could down-regulate prgZ gene leading to the accumulation of iCF10 pheromone in the donors to decrease the expression of downstream genes regulating conjugative transfer and inhibit conjugative transfer. In addition, DHA also inhibited the formation of biofilm, the stable environment within the biofilm is an important site for conjugative ...
Docosahexaenoic acid inhibits pheromone-responsive-plasmid …
Feb 15, 2023 · DHA disturbed the pheromone transport by inhibiting the mRNA levels of the prgZ gene, causing the iCF10 pheromone to accumulate in the donor bacteria and bond to the PrgX receptor to form an inhibitory phase, which resulted in the down-regulation of the expression of genes related to conjugative transfer, inhibiting biofilm formation, reducing ...
Developing a pathway-independent and full-autonomous global
Nov 2, 2020 · For avoiding these unfavorable traits, we sought to investigate whether increasing the sensitivity to signal peptide cCF10 by introducing a surface cCF10-binding protein PrgZ, which is known to...
Two ABC transport systems carry out peptide uptake in ... - PubMed
Apr 21, 2021 · Enterococcal pheromone-inducible plasmids encode a predicted OppA-family secreted lipoprotein. In the case of plasmid pCF10, the protein is PrgZ, which enhances the mating response to cCF10 pheromone. OppA proteins generally function with associated OppBCDF ABC transporters to import peptides.
Two ABC transport systems carry out peptide uptake in
Apr 5, 2021 · Enterococcal pheromone‐inducible plasmids encode a predicted OppA‐family secreted lipoprotein. In the case of plasmid pCF10 this protein is PrgZ, which enhances the mating response to cCF10 pheromone. OppA proteins generally function with associated OppBCDF ABC transporters to import peptides.
雌二醇的信息素效应调控携带抗生素抗性基因的pCF10的结合转 …
暴露于雌二醇通过增加ccfA 的表达来诱导信息素信号级联的激活。 此外,雌二醇可能直接与信息素受体 PrgZ 结合并促进 pCF10 诱导,最终增强 pCF10 的结合转移。 这些发现对雌二醇及其同系物在增加抗生素耐药性和潜在生态风险方面的作用提出了宝贵的见解。 Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) mediated by conjugative plasmids greatly contributes to bacteria evolution and the transmission of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs).
Peptide pheromone-induced transfer of plasmid pCF10 in …
Oct 1, 2001 · The cCF10 binding protein PrgZ binds the free peptide and uses the chromosomally encoded Opp (Oligopeptide permease) system to import the pheromone. C. Binding of internalized cCF10 by an intracellular effector molecule, probably PrgX, releases a negative control mechanism that allows for expression of pCF10-encoded positive control elements ...
Enterococcus faecalis Pheromone Binding Protein, PrgZ, Recruits a ...
Feb 1, 1996 · Conjugative transfer of the plasmid pCF10 by Enterococcus faecalis donor cells occurs in response to a peptide sex pheromone, cCF10, secreted by recipients. The plasmid-encoded cCF10 binding...