Pennsylvania Railroad 4877 - Wikipedia
PRR 4877, formerly nicknamed "Big Red", is a GG1 -class electric locomotive owned by the United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey. It is stored at the West Boonton Yard in Boonton, New Jersey, United States. It is fully cosmetically restored to its original appearance.
Pennsylvania GG1s — United Railroad Historical Society of NJ
4877 is restored to its 1930s-era “5-stripe” paint scheme and 4879 is restored to its 1950s-era “single stripe” paint scheme. Both are stored at URHS’s Boonton Yard. Pennsylvania Railroad’s GG1 class has been widely recognized as one of most successful locomotive models ever built.
Pictures of PRR 4877 - rrpicturearchives.net
PRR 4877, formerly nicknamed "Big Red", is seen here heading up a passenger train at an unidentified location. It is now owned by the United Railroad Historical Society of New Jersey. …
PRR "GG-1" Locomotives: Roster, Photos, Specs - American-Rails.com
Pennsylvania GG-1 #4877, dressed in Tuscan Red, is on display along NJ Transit at South Amboy, New Jersey on June 27, 1981. Don Wood photo. American-Rails.com collection.
The Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 - Steam Locomotive
The GG1 was a 25 cycle (HZ) machine for which the PRR maintained their own substation to provide the 25 cycle current. Locomotives today are capable of operating on 25 HZ or 60 HZ and most railroads are using 60 HZ so they can buy power directly from the power companies and avoid the expense of maintaining their own substations.
拱心石上的明珠——宾夕法尼亚铁路GG1型电力机车“Big G”简说
GG1型电力机车是美国宾夕法尼亚铁路 (PRR)于1934-1945年制造的一种准高速电力机车。 其在铁路机车史上的开创性和先进性是不容小觑的。 然而贵站介绍GG1型电力机车的文章颇有错漏,有的地方甚至颇显荒谬;而且介绍的不完全、有遗漏,不单不好评论一一列举疏漏,原文亦未能展现GG1型机车的划时代意义。 故特此记下这篇短文,给GG1和宾夕法尼亚铁路正名。 进入了20世纪20年代,随着美国东北地区的兴旺和繁荣,为了应对PRR东部各分局,特别是本线 (费城-哈里 …
GG1 - Survivors - non exhibited engines (part 1) - Blogger
2008年7月27日 · In July, 2003 #4877 was moved from Hoboken to a small NJ Transit yard in the northern end of Morristown where restoration efforts could begin. There are plans to restore her to her original Brunswick Green 5 stripe and to make it possible to relocate her to various areas around the state of New Jersey for display.
Pictures of PC 4877 - mtweedel13.rrpicturearchives.net
2025年3月10日 · Title: PC 4877 (RF) Description: The 4877 whips up the snow during a January storm.
【电力机车科普】美国宾夕法尼亚铁路的经典车型——GG1型电力 …
为庆祝这一盛况,宾州铁路决定于2月10日开行一趟特别专列,由“PRR 4880”号GG1型牵引。 列车从华盛顿特区和费城间做一次往返运行。 从费城返回的时候创造了一项1小时50分的世界纪录。 1950年代中期,铁路客运衰落后,部分客运机车闲置。 宾州铁路将4801–4857号进行变速齿轮改装,用于货物运输。 改装后机车极速降为140公里/小时,但客运设备和蒸汽加温装置仍被保留。 这些货运机车在节日被用于牵引邮政列车,以及每年为在费城举行的海军官校-陆军官校足球 …
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