Giant Magnetic In-Plane Anisotropy and Competing Instabilities in ...
SM contains detailed description of methods and supplemental figures, tables, and an animation. The last supplemental figure is an interactive animation, which can be viewed in a regular PDF viewer. ISSN 2160-3308 (online).
sample shape and the cobalt honeycomb sub-lattice is shown in Fig. S1. Single-crystal X-ray difraction. The measurements were performed with a custom-designed instrument equipped with a Xenocs Genix3D Mo Kα (17.48 keV) X-ray s. urce, which produced a beam-spot diameter of 150 μm at the sa.
Physical Review X
2024年12月18日 · Physical Review X (PRX) is an online-only, fully open access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish, as timely as possible, exceptional original research papers from all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics.
如何评价APS期刊Physical Review X,和PRL比如何? - 知乎
2020年最新影响因子15.76,高于自家的PRL 9.16,也高于NS旗下的开放获取期刊 Nature Communications 14.9…
NCSO Certification (National Construction Safety Officer)
The NCSO certification plays a pivotal role in fortifying the safety landscape of the construction industry. It’s a commitment to safeguarding lives, minimizing risks, and fostering a culture of security. By becoming an NCSO, individuals contribute to a safer and more sustainable future for construction projects and workers.
PRX – Shows
We distribute some of the most popular and critically acclaimed shows in the world. PRX distributes public radio programs aired on public media stations across all 50 U.S. states. These broadcasts are also available as podcasts. Live Wire!
National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) & National Health …
Here at the Alberta Construction Safety Association, we offer a path to earning one of two construction safety designations: National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO)™ and National Health & Safety Administrator (NHSA)™. These designations indicate that the individual has knowledge in various construction-related health & safety management ...
National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO) - yourACSA.ca
The intention of the National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO)™ program is to combine entry-level safety training with an individual’s personal field experience. An NCSO is a valuable resource for a company’s management through the implementation and administration of its health and safety program.
过氧化物还原酶(peroxiredoxin)家族研究进展 - 掌桥科研
过氧化物还原酶(peroxiredoxin,Prx/Prdx)是近年来发现的一个高度保守的抗氧化酶家族,参与维持细胞内活性氧平衡。 Prx在原核生物、真核生物甚至古菌等所有生物体内都有分布。
PRX(Paper Rex),是总部位于新加坡的《无畏契约》项目电子竞技俱乐部。 PRX由Nikhil Hathiramani、Matthew Djojonegoro等人于2019年末创立,俱乐部成立之初为《CS:GO》项目战队。 2021年2月,PRX放弃《CS:GO》,转向《无畏契约》项目。 2023年6月,PRX在VCT东京大师赛获得第三名;同年8月,PRX在2023年VCT冠军赛中获得亚军;同年12月,PRX在AfreecaTV VALORANT联赛中获得第二名。 2024年3月,PRX获得马德里VCT大师赛资格。 2024年3 …