The 65+ Best PS2 RPGs, Ranked By Fans
2025年3月1日 · You'll find a collection of the best PS2 RPGs that defined a generation of gaming and left a lasting impact on the RPG genre. Whether you're revisiting old favorites or discovering new ones, this list has something for every RPG enthusiast to enjoy.
20 Best Playstation 2 (PS2) RPGs Of All Time - Retro Dodo
2021年6月23日 · Polish your magic sword and grab a handful of skill points as we look at the best PS2 RPGs of all time! With over 3,800 games for the world’s best selling console, you’d think it would be hard to pick the 20 best role-playing titles for the system.
15 Best PlayStation 2 RPGs Ever - Den of Geek
2021年11月6日 · Some of the greatest RPGs ever were released for the PS2, but which is the absolute best of them all? When we talk about the best RPG consoles, we typically focus on the SNES and the PS1 (and...
Best PS2 RPGs Of All Time | Time Extension
2023年8月16日 · What are the best RPGs on PS2? Our list includes some of the best RPGs on the PS2, showcasing franchises such as Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Baldur's Gate, Shin Megami Tensei and more.
PS2时代最优秀的10款JRPG作品盘点 可有你的童年?
2019年8月30日 · 今天,就让我们来盘点盘点,PS2时代最优秀的十大JRPG游戏。 Jaster Rogue是一位生活在罗莎星球上的普通男孩,但是有一天,一对太空海盗将其托上了船,他们相信Jaster就是他们在找的“传奇沙漠之爪,”虽然Jaster觉得这一切简直荒唐,但当他被拖到Dorgenark的宇宙飞船上的时候,他就被卷入了一场大规模的冲突当中。 这时他才知道,肩负在他身上的使命。 像许多Level-5的游戏一样,《银河游侠》的剧情相对简单易懂,但游戏吸引人 …
SONY Play Station 2 100款游戏推荐(ps2 经典游戏分类 21-40 RPG…
本游戏是 GAME ARTS 于 1997 年在 SEGA SATURN 上所推出的角色扮演游戏,被视为是 SS 的招牌 RPG 大作,后移植到 PS,并于 DC 与 PS2 平台上推出《格兰蒂亚 2》、《格兰蒂亚3》、《格兰蒂亚 X》等续篇作品。
Best PS2 RPGs - Game Rant
2024年1月23日 · The best PS2 RPGs, such as Rogue Galaxy, Xenosaga Episode I, and Champions of Norrath, are praised for their setting, combat, characters, and engaging gameplay.
Best PS2 RPGs, Ranked - CBR
2024年11月1日 · Unsurprisingly, several of the best RPGs from the PS2 era fall under the JRPG subgenre, but some gems delve into Diablo-like action as well. Between isometric action RPGs like Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance to the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy X, the PS2 was home to some of the most influential games in the broader role-playing genre.
追忆当年的那些华丽旅程,说说PS2最经典的几部RPG,你都玩过 …
2018年12月5日 · 当年PS2平台上有太多的好游戏,一下子展示给大家实在是不可能,那么我们就逐步说起,首先说一说PS2上面的RPG游戏,不知道多少人当年了解PS2是从一段RPG的游戏CG开始的呢?
20 Best PS2 RPGs Of All Time - Cultured Vultures
2024年6月14日 · After Final Fantasy VII virtually popularized JRPGs overnight on the PS1, the PS2 continued the golden era of role-playing games. Though the system boasts well over 100 RPGs to pick from,...