How to make your own ps/2 to usb convertor for old keyboards
2016年12月2日 · It will not make a USB-only keyboard work in PS/2. It will not make a PS/2-only keyboard work on USB. The keyboard that came with such an adapter was capable of both USB and PS/2 connections. It detects if it is plugged into a USB port or a PS/2 port and then adapts to that connection type.
Is there an easy way to test if my PS/2 -> USB adapter is passive?
Most USB interfaces do not have the capability to switch to PS2 (logic) signal levels. The USB versus PS2 protocols and data packets are different with both mice and keyboards. My apologies to computer users for this invention. After USB was in place, the PS2 interface should have died a more rapid death.
How to design a keyboard circuit that can use a passive USB-to …
Problem is, how can I detect if to use USB or PS/2 in my circuit? Electrical connection. Since I'm using a PIC16F1454 which has a built-in 3.3V LDO, trancievers, and everything for USB my plan was to connect it like this: I need to connect RA4/5 because D+ and D- can only be used as inputs if they are not used for USB communication.
USB mouse with a PS/2 adapter for FPGA PS/2 interface
This absolutely depends on the mouse. I have a USB Microsoft mouse that comes with a similar USB to PS2 adapter. The mouse can sense the difference and reconfigure itself to produce the different protocol but the mouse is marked as such. 99% of the time these adapters are wiring only - there is no intelligence whatsoever within them.
Can a PS/2 keyboard be converted to USB hot swap (plug)?
2022年1月28日 · Some keyboards in that era support both PS/2 and USB protocols, so you only need a dumb electromechanical adapter. If the keyboard supports only PS/2 protocol, you need a smart adapter with a processor that supports USB with computer and PS/2 with keyboard. In both cases USB will be hot-pluggable. \$\endgroup\$ –
USB to PS2 Convertor - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2019年11月19日 · What you stated is already known/theory. Our problem is: a) USB keyboard already working with Win10 64 bit PC when inserted using USB to PS2 convertor into PS2 connector of another product (8085 kit), it works. b) The cheap convertor consists of simply wires shorting DATA (pin 1 of PS2) to D- (USB) & Clock (pin 5 of PS2) to D+(USB).
Use an active PS/2 -> USB adapter as USB-Serial Bridge
Basic USB is an asymmetric connection: a master connects to a slave. You can't connect two masters or two slaves (you can if you rewire cables, but it won't work). The USB cable for your phone connects a master (the PC) to a slave (your phone). The PS2-USB converter is probably a slave that connects to your PC (the master).
How can I plug an arbitrary USB device into two computers?
I saw online some instructions for connecting a USB keyboard to a hacked-together pair of PS2-USB adapters (connecting the PS2 side, which apparently is happy to have multiple "hosts" with a single device). Even without doing the hacking part, my current keypad won't work when plugged in via keypad->USB to PS2->PS2 to USB->computer. Cutting ...
How to measure voltage in a PS/2 keyboard cable?
2017年4月10日 · As soon as 5 V VCC is applied the keyboard tests to see if it is receiving a clock, and if not it goes to USB mode. An active PS/2 to USB adapter. This is actually a small MCU that talks serial TTL to the keyboard and USB to the host computer. These adapters typically have both a serial PS/2 and Serial Mouse connector (Green and Purple) to USB 1.0.
What is the difference between Ethernet and Serial communication?
2016年12月4日 · Note that USB avoids such confusion mainly because it seldom referred to as "Universal Serial Bus", so the existence of the word "serial" in its long-form name is a non-issue. In nearly all cases, RS-232 ports their logic-level equivalents transmit individual bytes as they are received from software, and individual incoming bytes available to ...