XMB - PS3 Developer wiki
The Xross Media Bar (pronounced "Cross Media Bar") (or XMB) is the graphical user interface for the PS3.
XrossMediaBar - Wikipedia
The XrossMediaBar (pronounced "cross-media bar" and officially abbreviated as XMB) is a graphical user interface developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. The interface features …
PS3™ | About the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) menu - PlayStation
The PS3™ system includes a user interface called XMB™ (XrossMediaBar). The horizontal row shows system features in categories, and the vertical column shows items that can be …
2019年1月30日 · PS3和PSP的XMB界面的优点在于,一级菜单(横向)和二级菜单(纵向)分布的比较均匀,而且十字型的界面布局让二级菜单可以自动展开,少按一次确定,玩家操作次数 …
XMB Information
The XMB or "Xross Media Bar" is one of the defining strengths of the PS3 console. Clean and deceptively simple, it has a number of functions and options to make navigation easier.
專為PS3設計的「環繞立體聲系統」簡單試用 - Mobile01
2010年10月13日 · 主角現身啦,這就是PS3專用環繞立體聲系統,中央有個亮眼的PS標誌。 中央的面板特寫,可以發現控制面板的設計風格與PS3薄型機一致,「專為PS3」設計可不是隨便 …
BOUGHT RARE ps3 sound bar : r/PS3 - Reddit
2022年12月23日 · My ONN soundbar connects perfectly to the PS3! What is the remote controller model number? I still have one one of these but lost the remote years ago and need a …
PS3 X-media bar. - YouTube
2006年11月18日 · Got a camera the other day, realized I could finally post something on Youtube, and figured I'd start with the PS3. This a quick display of the X-media bar.
XrossMediaBar | PlayStation Wiki | Fandom
The Xross Media Bar (XMB) is a graphicial user interface developed by Sony. It is used to control the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 3, as well as the PSX (the PlayStation 2 DVR) where …
[Question] Connecting PS3 to sound-bar : r/PS3 - Reddit
2021年4月27日 · Yes, if the sound bar really has an analogue input. You will have to go to the PS3 settings and enable output through all ports. On the PS3 go to Settings, then Sound …