Ps3 memory card slot? - PlayStation 3 Q&A for PlayStation 3
2006年11月17日 · PS3s don't have memory card slots. There are digital ones on the system for both PS1 and PS2 games when you buy PS1 or PS2 games from the PS Store, however. …
How do I get the PS3 Virtual Memory Card Saves onto my system?
2008年12月9日 · Remove the USB stick from your computer and stick it in the PS3. From the XMB, choose Game > Memory Card Utility (PS/PS2). Select the save file, press Triangle, and …
Connecting Memory Card Adapter to PC? - PlayStation 3
Here is what I did: 1 - Create virtual memory cards on PS3 2 - Put all game saves from PS1/2 memory cards on to PS3 3 - Export all PS1/2 saves on to a thumb drive Once you use the …
Do I need a PS1 memory card to save PS1 games played on my …
No you don't need an actual memory card. You create a virtual memory card in the PS3 XMB. Under the Game option: Select "Memory Card Utility" and press 'x'. Then select "Create New …
Where is the SD card slot? - PlayStation 3 Q&A for PlayStation 3
2006年11月17日 · In 2010, the U.S. Air Force linked 1,700 PS3 consoles together to form a supercomputer. This computer could form over 500,000,000,000,000 calculations per second, …
How do i transfer Playstation save files to my virtual memory card …
1997年9月7日 · Hook up the $15 adapter to the your PS3 with the memory card with your save file in it. Go to the saved data utility on the PS3 console. If you browse "up" on the list once, it …
Do i need a ps3 memorie card? - PlayStation 3 Q&A for
2006年11月17日 · Do i need a memorie card for the ps3 like befor with the ps2 and ps1 as well as the psp?, And where do i stick the memorie card for it, I cant seem to finde it. DOMOJITA - 15 …
Why won't my backwards compatible PS3 (with memory card
2006年11月17日 · I got the official Sony Memory Card Adapter that was designed to transfer data back and forth between the old memory cards and the PS3 emulated memory cards, but for …
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories – Save Games - GameFAQs
2002年3月20日 · NG+ 2 runs clear/2k SC/585 cards/All legit by renaming savename & traded with similar JP save/Includes Passwrd only cards & JP Pocketstation card lotto (piercelight,Dark …
Crash Bandicoot Save Game Files for PlayStation - GameFAQs
1996年9月9日 · PlayStation PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (Europe) From PieingDutchman (08/07/2009; 0KB) 100% Save ...