Questions on the PSA AR-V 7, 9mm PCC? - AR15.COM
2024年1月16日 · I built the AR-V below using their ARV builders kit. I used an Aero 9mm buffer kit, PSA LPK, PSA 2-stage, and finally a Rosco 7.5” barrel and an SWR Trident9 underneath a …
Questions on the PSA AR-V 7, 9mm PCC? - AR15.COM
2024年1月18日 · I bought the ARV receiver/bolt kit, and built a 16" rifle. Same bones as the 7" MP5ish gun you are looking at. Avoid the Scorpion mags in it, get the PSA AKV/ARV mags, …
2020年10月9日 · Did I miss an in-depth, intelligent, and resourceful GD conversation regarding the PSA AR-V line? I'm considering purchasing one in the very near future. 47.3% range toy, …
PSA AK-V vs AR-V vs PA9 > Palmetto State Armory - AR15.COM
2021年1月25日 · The PSA PA-9 (glock mag AR), the AK-V (scorpion mag AK), and the AR-V (scorpion mag AR). The glock mag AR, benefit is obviously the billions of mags available. And …
PSA AR-V build questions > Rimfire and Pistol Calibers - AR15.COM
2021年8月22日 · I’m thinking about ordering the PSA AR-V essentials build kit. I have most of my build planned out, however this will be my first 9mm build so I want to make sure I’m getting …
NEW Palmetto ARV 9mm - AR15.COM
2024年9月3日 · The Palmetto State Armory ARV has been around for a while, but it's a great entry to the AR platform if you're looking to save on ammo or if you're desiring a softer …
The PSA AR-V Will become the dominant if not universal 9 mm …
2021年10月8日 · Modularity: The A.R. 15 is an excellent rifle but let’s face it. The reason it became the top rifle in the world is because if it’s modularity and adaptability. The ARV …
AR-V binary?? > Rimfire and Pistol Calibers - AR15.COM
2021年3月6日 · I'm reading some contradictory things about whether the PSA AR-V will work with a binary trigger. On their website, at lease one reviewer says that the Fostech (which I own) …
PSA ARV with cmmg - AR15.COM
2022年8月18日 · I bought an ARV builder set to possibly do the same thing. Have you seen this thread? Its not PSA but rather New Frontier Armory's version of the scorpion lower but the …
2024年2月2日 · Magazine: PSA AK-V U9 35 Round 9x19mm Magazine, Black (Also compatible with CZ Scorpion Mags) FEATURES Barrel: 7" chrome moly steel tri-lug barrel. Chambered in …