Wisconsin Legislature: Chapter PSC 2
PSC 2.01 PSC 2.01 Applicability. This chapter establishes the rules of practice and procedure in commission investigations, proceedings and other dockets. Portions of this chapter also apply generally to matters such as filing, computation of time and other administrative matters whether or not in dockets.
PSC 2.29 Copies of decisions and transcripts. Note: Chapter PSC 2 as it existed on June 30, 2002 was repealed and a new chapter PSC 2 was created Register June 2002 No. 558, effective July 1, 2002.
Wisconsin Legislature: PSC 2.21
PSC 2.27(2)(a) (a) A motion for review of an order must be filed no later than 10 days of the issuance of the order. Parties may respond to the motion no later than 5 days after service of the motion.
Wisconsin Legislature: PSC 2.02
PSC 2.06(1) (1) Filing. A person shall file any paper authorized or required to be filed by this chapter with the records management unit of the commission between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on a working day. Papers are not considered filed until they are date and time stamped by the records management unit.
Wisconsin Legislature: PSC 2.03
PSC 2.05(3)(a) (a) When an act is required by law or by order to be done at or within a specified time, the period of time may be enlarged, but only for good cause shown and upon just terms. Requests shall be made within a reasonable time prior to the expiration of the period in question.
Wisconsin Legislature: PSC 2.07
PSC 2.05(3)(a) (a) When an act is required by law or by order to be done at or within a specified time, the period of time may be enlarged, but only for good cause shown and upon just terms. Requests shall be made within a reasonable time prior to the expiration of the period in question.
Chapter PSC 2 PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE Subchapter I — General PSC 2.01 Communications and documents addressed to commission. PSC 2.02 Parties. PSC 2.03 Computation of time. PSC 2.04 Furnishing copies of records. PSC 2.05 Service of documents. Subchapter II — Complaints and Investigations PSC 2.10 Informal complaints. PSC 2.11 …
Public Service Commission (PSC) - Wisconsin Legislative Documents
Chapter PSC 111 (PDF: ) - Requirements For Strategic Energy Assessments, Certificates Of Public Convenience And Necessity, And Fixed Financial Parameters For Certain Rate Base Electric Generating Facilities
Wisconsin Legislature: PSC 2.29
PSC 2.29(1) (1) Decisions. One copy of the decision in a proceeding will be furnished free of charge at the time of issuance to each party of record, except that when a party of record is represented by counsel, a copy of the decision will be furnished to counsel.
PSC 185.97 Voluntary Water Conservation Rebate or Incentive Programs. Note: Chapter PSC 185 as it was in effect on May 31, 1972 was repealed, and a new chapter PSC 185 was created, Register, May, 1972, No. 197, effective June 1,