Visit doctor with doctor finding nothing wrong.
Office Visits | PSC-Y Administering The youth self-report version of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC-Y) can be used with patients between the ages of 11 and 18 and takes less than five minutes to complete and score. The PSC-Y can be administered and scored by a nurse, medical technician, physician assistant, physician or other office staff.
Welcome to the New Jersey Pediatric Psychiatry Collaborative!
Youth Pediatric Symptom Checklist (Y-PSC-37) – self-report screening tool for adolescents ages 11 and older; similar to PSC-35 but with 2 extra Qs on suicide and built-in subscales (includes legend for easier scoring). This version of the Y-PSC includes 2 extra questions on suicide ideation and suicide attempt, and also includes a legend for ...
Member Portal – Screening Tools – New Jersey Pediatric …
psc & psc-y Pediatric Symptom Checklist – The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a brief screening questionnaire that is used by pediatricians and other health professionals to improve the recognition and treatment of psychosocial problems in children.
A Survey From Your Healthcare Provider — PSC-Y Name Date Never O Sometimes I Yes Yes Q 36 or Q Often 2 30 Please mark under the heading that best fits you or circle Yes or No A A A l. Complain of aches or pains 2. Spend more time alone 3. Tire easily. little energy 4. Fidgety, unable to sit still 5. Have trouble with teacher 6.
Participating NJPPC providers conduct universal mental/behavioral health and substance use screening for patients by administering a validated, standardized screening instrument (PSC-35, Y-PSC-37, SWYC, or CRAFFT 2.1) during the patient’s well visit, as well as if the NJPPC member has concerns regarding a patient’s mental health during a sick ...
PSC positive will also be identified as impaired by an experienced clinician and, conversely, 95% of the children identified as PSC negative will be identified as unimpaired. Similarly high rates of validity have been reported for the PSC-Y and for the translations of the PSC. This information can be found in the articles cited in
New Jersey Pediatric Psychiatry Collaborative (NJ PPC) program is a NJ DCF-funded program that partners Hackensack-Meridian Health, two othe r health and hospital systems throughout New Jersey, to provide support for children with mental/ behavioral and substance use issues. The program is available for children up to age 18 (and possibly age 21).
Office Visits | PSC-Y Administering The youth self-report version of the Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC-Y) can be used with patients between the ages of 11 and 18 and takes less than five minutes to complete and score. The PSC-Y can be administered and scored by a nurse, medical technician, physician assistant, physician or other office staff.
PSC-Y - New Jersey Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
2015年1月7日 · The <strong>PSC</strong>-Y can be administered and scored by a nurse, medical technician, physician assistant, physician or other <strong>of</strong>fice staff. Patients should be left alone to complete the <strong>PSC</strong>-Y in a private area, such as an exam room or a private area <strong>of</strong> the waiting room.