5 天之前 · PSDS2 provides a sensor data management system that integrates multiple motion imagery sensors for enhanced situational awareness and rapid decision-making. PSDS2 provides...
PSDS2 – Persistent Surveillance and Dissemination of Systems
2007年1月25日 · Persistent Surveillance and Dissemination of Systems (PSDS2) was established to address an urgent requirement for time sensitive targets engagement capability. The system was developed and fielded by Raytheon in 110 days.
Army posts RFI for PSDS2 system - Intelligence Community News
The PSDS2 is a system that networks existing video sensors into a common architecture to support persistent surveillance and rapid dissemination of actionable information for the Warfighter. The PSDS2 receives inputs from multiple sensors to provide situational awareness (SA) forward operating bases (FOBs), Brigade level technical operation ...
Army issues RFI for the Persistent Surveillance System of Systems (PSDS2)
2015年7月20日 · PSDS2 is a Full Motion Video (FMV) system and architecture that ingests video from sensors into a centralized location to support persistent surveillance, video exploitation, dissemination and archiving. PSDS2 is a Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) …
Raytheon: Raytheon News Release Archive
PSDS2 is a networked system integrating intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, providing real time video and fused information for display and dissemination of actionable intelligence to commanders in the field.
Army seeking info on system to combine video sensors
2024年2月29日 · “PSDS2 disseminates real-time streaming video, autosensing available bandwidth and provides video in context for SA on terrain maps for common operational picture situational display,” the Feb. 28 announcement reads.
Exploiting Advances in Video Analytics to Support ... - IEEE Xplore
2018年7月24日 · Established in 2005 to address an urgent requirement for a video processing, exploitation, and dissemination (PED) capability, the PSDS2 program has provided the core video dissemination backbone used by the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) in Iraq and by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, where it is still in ...
System Weaves Many Strands Into One Picture - AFCEA International
2006年2月1日 · The persistent surveillance and dissemination system of systems (PSDS2) is a command and control tool that allows warfighters to integrate and filter live sensor feeds to enhance situational awareness.
Intent to Sole Source - Persistent Surveillance Dissemination …
2025年2月12日 · The PSDS2 is a system that networks existing video sensors into a common architecture to support persistent surveillance and rapid dissemination of actionable information for the Warfighter. The PSDS2 receives inputs from multiple sensors to provide situational awareness (SA) for forward operating bases (FOBs), Brigade level technical operation ...
声音事件检测metric:PSDS - CSDN博客
2022年12月26日 · 通过多声道ROC曲线和PSDS指标,该框架允许对声音事件检测系统进行独立于操作点的比较,并考虑了不同应用的用户体验需求。 该方法在DCASE 2019年任务4中得到验证,揭示了对声音事件定义的主观性、操作点依赖性以及数据偏差的理解的重要性。 论文;A FRAMEWORK FOR THE ROBUST EVALUATION OF SOUND EVENT DETECTION. 这项工作为多声道声音事件检测(SED)系统的 性能 评估定义了一个新的框架,它克服了传统的collar …