AO Foundation Surgery Reference
AO Surgery Reference is a resource for the management of fractures, based on current clinical principles, practices and available evidence.
Posterior fusion of L4-S1 (with or without pelvic fixation or ala)
Managing high grade spondylolisthesis requires good knowledge of lumbosacral anatomy. The goals of the surgical management are: Due to the distorted anatomy care must be taken to confirm correct fusion levels. Typically the L5 pedicle …
Large curves - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
A combined anterior spinal fusion (ASF) followed by a posterior spinal fusion (PSF) with posterior instrumentation is still considered the primary means of correcting large AIS curves. The ASF procedure can be performed either thorascopically or via an open thoracotomy or thoracoabdominal approach.
Active PSF shaping and adaptive optics enable volumetric ... - Nature
2018年7月16日 · We developed a method of combining adaptive PSF shaping and an efficient AO routine to simultaneously correct sample-induced aberrations and enforce a consistent PSF response through large...
PSF Reconstruction for Advanced AO Systems - Optica Publishing …
This paper reviews the state of the art of AO PSF reconstruction and discusses the possibility of estimating the PSF in advanced AO systems, such as laser-based, multi-conjugate and extreme AO systems.
24 January 2007 2007 ESO Instrumentation Calibration Workshop 23 PSF reconstruction: PUEO/CFHT J.P. Véran et al. (1997) Curvature WFS, 19 act. DM, 36 controlled modes Few critical assumptions in practice m V<13.5 FFew computations dedicated to curvature WFS RRealtime data noise (depends on the type of
Imaging and Treatment of the PSF in AO Instruments ... - Springer
Adaptive optics imaging, unlike seeing-limited imaging, offers the possibility to calibrate the PSF simultaneously to the scientific observations, using real-time measurements of the adaptive optics system itself.
n Analyze AO system post-facto, and understand its real life limitaon (e.g. van Dam et al, 2004). n This validates simulaon AND AO system 18
(PDF) Review of PSF reconstruction methods and ... - ResearchGate
2020年12月1日 · Determining the PSF remains a key challenge for post adaptive-optics (AO) observations regarding the spatial, temporal and spectral variabilities of the AO PSF, as well as itx complex...
Selection of fusion level - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
There are no strict guidelines for fusion level selection in AIS patients. The following is the recommendation of the authors. 2. Curve type 1. The recommended treatment for type 1 curves is the fusion of the structural main thoracic curve.