PSF 12ga Over and Under - Shotgun Forum
2025年2月14日 · To help you identify it clear and legible photos of all the marks on the gun are needed. The only "PSF" mark I'm aware of is the Italian smokeless powder proof mark; if this …
PFS Gun Fit and Grip Comfort - Trapshooters Forum
2023年3月7日 · Is it worthwhile to go down to NC to get the PSF fit to my gun or do the grips fit pretty well right out of the box? Seems like the wood grips (other than the American Walnut) …
New PICS. Beretta 1943 dated, PSF mark question.
2008年8月9日 · PSF still in use today as a proof marking on Italian Firearms. Could have been applied post-WW II, for release to commercial sale. As .25 calibre sidearms were definitely …
Different bar proof marks on same shotgun
2021年10月7日 · Hello guys, I have a fabarm ellegi semi automatic shotgun 1989 model. I noticed in shotgun frame it has a PSF Mark with 1 star but in the barrel it has a PSF Mark with 2 stars …
Question on Italian Proof (Proof Table posted) | Shotgun Forum
2010年8月11日 · One star over the PSF (Polvere Sensa Fumo- Smokeless Powder) indicates "normal", ie non magnum nitro proof. Assuming there are no measurable signs of wear in the …
Shotgun markings and model enquiry | National Gun Forum
2015年3月7日 · The "PSF with a star enclosed in a circle" is a Gardone & Brescia proof mark, meaning 'definitive proof for guns with smokeless powder'. Disclaimer: Your photos do not …
Italy - Shotguns
2013年5月22日 · The most visible change is the change from a crown to a star 1950 so crown and PSF is from the time between 1923 and 1950. Italian proof mark is rather straight forward, …
Italian 'PSF' - The DoubleGun BBS @ doublegunshop.com
2009年11月18日 · It is the definitive proof for smokeless powder since 1951. Those barrels also have the provisional proof mark and the final proof for firearms for sale. The marking PSF …
Precision Fit Stocks
The patented technology behind Precision Fit Stocks has been helping the shooting community surpass their expectations. PFS presents the Precision Fit Stock with unsurpassed gun fit and …
EIG -BRESCIA -Italy Overunder - The Firing Line Forums
2013年1月17日 · * PSF is the smokeless proof mark from test firing, FINITO (means "finished") is applied when the proofing is done to the complete gun, meaning the barrels are not proofed …