HK G3 Battle Rifle Expansion and R91 Project - Nexus Mods
2021年5月15日 · This mod adds an R91-inspired handguard and many more customizations to the G3A3 mod uploaded by Subleader. It additionally has an optional file to replace the vanilla FO4 Assault Rifle or the vanilla
HK G3 Family at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
2019年12月18日 · Added: New skin set - Rusty (that's where the most of the megabytes are coming from), R91 (wooden) handguard, Wooden stock, Schmidt&Bender scope (installs instead of a rail in Rail section), Glowing ironsights option and one unique version.
[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)
2016年11月25日 · On a side note the expansion for T41NT3D's FO3 R91 Assault Rifle came out, it features weapon modifications to turn the R91 assault rifle into a PSG-1 like sniper rifle, even with a receiver conversion to .308 rounds, not exactly accurate to the real life PSG-1 counterpart but pretty damn close, thought I'd let ye know :)
废土通行证——你需要一把武器(步枪后篇) - 哔哩哔哩
Heckler & Koch PSG1 - Wikipedia
The Heckler & Koch PSG1 (Präzisionsschützengewehr, German for "precision marksman rifle") is a semi-automatic designated marksman rifle designed and produced by the German company Heckler & Koch. This rifle is said to have been developed in response to the Munich massacre at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
v1.88 Horizon Weapon Patches - Nexus Mods
2019年6月9日 · Collection of Horizon Patches for many high quality weapon mods. ZX-1 Lab & scrap support. Balanced around existing weapons while retaining original features if possible. Incorporated item conditions, weapons toolkit menus, and augments. Updated crafting cost and perk requirements.
法「戴高乐号」航舰打击群访印度 备战海空联演 - 军事 - 中时新闻网
2025年1月7日 · 印度海军西部指挥部5日证实,执行「克里蒙梭25」印太巡弋部署任务的法国海军「戴高乐号」(R91)航舰打击群,已于3日抵达印度西部大港果阿 ...
突击步枪 (Fallout 3) | Fallout中文維基 | Fandom
r91突击步枪是一把适用范围很广的全自动武器,在中近距离十分有效。 不过,由于并不十分高的精度和相对较低的单发伤害,它很难对远距离的目标实现有效杀伤,在面对重防护目标(例如辐射巨蝎)时的效果也不十分理想。
French aircraft carrier FNS Charles de Gaulle in the Philippine Sea
2025年2月17日 · The French aircraft carrier FNS Charles de Gaulle (R91) has been exercising with the US Navy and the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force in the Philippine Sea on exercise Pacific Steller 2025.
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