2022年11月18日 · 阵发性交感神经过度兴奋 (Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity,PSH)是一种临床综合征,在严重的急性脑损伤患者中表现为阵发性发作和短暂交感神经兴奋体征(心动过速、高血压、呼吸急促、发热、出汗和肌张力增高及异常姿势)。 PSH曾有多种不同名称,如自主神经风暴、交感神经风暴、下丘脑调节异常综合征、间脑癫痫等,直到2014年国际共识统一将该综合征命名为PSH,因为它反映了该综合征的主要特征(突然发作的过度交感神经反应)及其潜在 …
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity: Development of a Pediatric ...
2023年11月13日 · Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a syndrome associated with antecedent brain injury characterized by episodes of sympathetic overdrive, primarily manifested as episodic vital sign instability (tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, hypertension) with increased neuromuscular tone and other clinical manifestations, such as diaphoresis ...
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) - EMCrit Project
2022年7月6日 · Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a pattern of recurrent bursts of dysregulated sympathetic activity, resulting from severe brain injury. These episodes of sympathetic activation are short, dramatic, and often triggered by stimulation.
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a disorder in the regulation of autonomic function most commonly observed in patients with acute brain injury, most notably severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) [1,2].
Identification and Management of Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity ...
Currently, the Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity-Assessment Measure (PSH-AM) scale consists of two separate constructs: (1) the clinical feature scale (CFS), to identify the intensity of cardinal features, and (2) the diagnosis likelihood tool (DLT), to evaluate the likelihood of the presence of PSH, and is by far the best diagnosis tool for ...
Diagnosis and Treatment of Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in ...
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a neurologic syndrome characterized by paroxysmal and simultaneous occurrence of hypertension, hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis and dystonic posturing due to surge in sympathetic outflow …
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity: Diagnostic Criteria ...
2018年3月8日 · Dysautonomia, now known as paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a phenomenon described by fever, hypertension, tachycardia, and diaphoresis among other symptoms affecting patients after traumatic brain injury.
Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Paroxysmal …
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a distinct syndrome of episodic sympathetic hyperactivities following severe acquired brain injury, characterized by paroxysmal transient fever, tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea, excessive diaphoresis and specific posturing.
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity - Wikipedia
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a syndrome that causes episodes of increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. Hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system can manifest as increased heart rate, increased respiration, increased blood pressure, diaphoresis, and hyperthermia. [1] .
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity After Acquired Brain Injury: …
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) mainly occurs after acquired brain injury (ABI) and often presents with high fever, hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea, sweating, and dystonia (increased muscle tone or spasticity). The pathophysiological mechanisms of …
Pharmacological Management of Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity…
2021年8月15日 · Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) occurs in ∼10% of patients following acute severe brain injury. While PSH is associated with worse outcomes, there are no clinical practice guidelines to inform treatment. We aimed to systematically review the literature on the pharmacological management of PSH.
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in Pediatric Rehabilitation ...
Objective: Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is widely described as occurring during intensive care, but in a number of patients it may last longer into the rehabilitation phase. Furthermore, drug therapy has been based on isolated observations.
Treating Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in Children: The …
2023年11月13日 · In 2014, an international consensus group recommended the term “paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity” (PSH) for the syndrome experienced by a subset of survivors of acquired brain injury who exhibit signs of increased sympathetic activity.
Understanding paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity after …
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a condition occurring in a small percentage of patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). It is characterized by a constellation of symptoms associated with excessive adrenergic output, including tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea, and …
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity | PM&R KnowledgeNow
2023年11月1日 · Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity (PSH) is a syndrome of disproportionate and pathological sympathetic overreaction that can be triggered by nociceptive or environmental stimuli, 1 which occurs after severe acquired brain injury.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Paroxysmal Sympathetic ... - PubMed
2020年11月10日 · Diagnosis of PSH is made using the paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity-assessment measure (PSH-AM) score, which comprises "clinical features severity" (CFS) score and "diagnosis likelihood tool" (DLT) score. Case presentation: A 35-year-old woman diagnosed to have echo-proven chronic rheumatic heart disease for 25 years. Percutaneous balloon ...
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) has predominantly been described after traumatic brain injury (TBI), which is associated with hyperthermia, hypertension, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, dystonia (hypertonia or spasticity), and even motor
Influence of paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) on the ...
Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity (PSH) is a frequently observed condition among critically ill patients on intensive care units. According to different studies, PSH is associated with worse recovery and increased mortality in acute-care ...
Clinical Practice Guidelines: Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity ...
Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity (PSH) is a phenomenon where patients develop episodes of sympathetic overdrive primarily manifesting as vital sign instability (tachycardia, tachypnea, hyperthermia, and hypertension), increased tone, and posturing in …
Lesson 3 – PMHx, FHx, SHx | medicalscribe
Past Medical History: The Past Medical History is also known at the PMH or PMHx. This is the portion of the chart where you record any medical problems that the patient has had in the past. When you are first learning medicine you will ask the …