PSK31 | bpsk31.com
PSK31 is a digital communication mode for amateur radio. It is one of the most common and easy-to-use digital modes as a PSK31 station needs only to consist of an SSB transceiver, an antenna, and a soundcard equipped PC.
Phase-shift keying - Wikipedia
Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a digital modulation process which conveys data by changing (modulating) the phase of a constant frequency carrier wave. The modulation is accomplished by varying the sine and cosine inputs at a precise time. It is widely used for wireless LANs, RFID and Bluetooth communication.
10 Tips for the PSK31 Digital Mode - ARRL
PSK (Phase Shift Keying): A form of modulation that shifts the phase of the transmit signal in order to carry more information. PSK31 is a digital mode, created in the 1990s by Peter Martinez, G3PLX, which has a 31.25 Hz bandwidth on your waterfall display.
Phase Shift Keying (PSK) - Signal Identification Wiki
2021年11月24日 · PSK is a digital teletype mode based on Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) modulation. The most popular amateur radio PSK mode is PSK 31.
PSK31 - Wikipedia
PSK31 or " Phase Shift Keying, 31 Baud ", also BPSK31 and QPSK31, is a popular computer - sound card -generated radioteletype mode, used primarily by amateur radio operators to conduct real-time keyboard-to-keyboard chat, most often using frequencies in the high frequency amateur radio bands (shortwave).
2024年11月29日 · QAM 是一种混合调制方式,结合了相位键控(PSK)和幅度键控(AM)。 在 QAM 中,信息通过同时调节载波信号的相位和幅度来表示。 常见的 QAM 信号有 16QAM、64QAM 等。 M-QAM:M 表示调制方式中符号的数量,符号数通常是 2 的偶数次方。 每个符号可以通过两种参数来表示:一个表示幅度,另一个表示相位。 QAM 是通过在两个正交分量(正弦和余弦)上调制幅度来实现的,符号可以在二维平面上表示为一个点。 M-QAM 的映射:QAM …
PSK31 : PSK31 ham radio opeating mode links - The DXZone.com
6 天之前 · A super fast PSK mode for RTTY Contesting 100 wpm character transmission speed for contest ...
PSK31- An Introduction to Narrowband Digital
2024年2月5日 · The combination of narrow bandwidth, an efficient DSP algorithm and synchronized sampling creates a mode that can be received at very low signal levels. PSK31 rivals the weak-signal performance of CW and it is a vast improvement over RTTY, as I discovered first hand.
PSK31 Setup and Operation - bpsk31.com
Make sure your radio is set to SSB mode on the upper sideband (USB). Your will not have to change frequencies after that, since PSK31 signals are so narrow (31 Hz), all the transmissions will be picked up by the receiver without changing frequencies.
PSK Digital Mode - ac4rc.org
PSK Digital Mode. PSK 31 is probably the most popular digital mode being used in Ham Radio today. It is successful at low power using minimal antennas and basic HF transceivers; you can work the world with 5 to 45 watts, a simple dipole, any radio, an interface like the SIGNALINK, a computer and some free software.