Terminal-Icons.psm1 0.5.0 - PowerShell Gallery
Prepend a custom icon (with color) to the provided file or folder object when displayed. Take the provided file or folder object and look up the appropriate icon and color to display. List a directory. Terminal-Icons will be invoked automatically for display. Get a file object and pass directly to Format-TerminalIcons.
Terminal-Icons.psm1 - GitHub
A PowerShell module to show file and folder icons in the terminal - devblackops/Terminal-Icons
terminal-icons-windows.md · GitHub
2019年6月12日 · use your icons as chars conversed from decimal code in your ThemeName.psm1 (mine: Material.psm1) by declaring your desired icons like this: $DesiredIconName=([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(IconDecimalCode)), for 🍙 i.e: $RiceBall=([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(127833)) as you noticed it also works with zero width joiners (ZWJ) for the hacker cat! 🐱 ...
在命令提示符(cmd.exe)中运行psm1 PowerShell脚本?-腾讯云开发 …
2021年4月25日 · 如果您想从cmd运行C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\lolcat\1.0.7\lolcat.psm1,可以创建一个.ps1脚本,您可以在其中编写类似于
问 Powershell模块中的*.psm1文件的用途是什么? - 腾讯云
2019年4月26日 · .psm1文件的目的是什么?在我的模块中需要它们吗? 在脚本模块(即在PowerShell中编写的模块,而不是编译的二进制cmdlet)中,只有 *.ps1 文件提供了与常规的 *.ps1 脚本文件 不同的特定于模块的行为(单独的、隔离的范围、私有命令、对导出命令的控制)。
IconExport 2.0.0 - PowerShell Gallery
2016年6月7日 · Export-Icon exports high-quality icons stored within .DLL and .EXE files. The function can export to a number of formats, including ico, bmp, png, jpg, gif, emf, exif, icon, tiff, and wmf. It can also export to different sizes. Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info. (c) 2016 Chrissy LeMaire.
Powershell import-module doesn't find modules - Stack Overflow
I'm learning PowerShell and I'm trying to build my own module library. I've written a simple module XMLHelpers.psm1 and put in my folder $home/WindowsPowerShell/Modules. When I do: import-module full_path_to_XMLHelpers.psm1. It works. But when I …
如何打开 PSM1 文件? 所有关于 PSM1 文件。 - FILExt
PSM1 文件大多属于 Microsoft 的 PowerShell。 PSM1 文件是一个可重用的脚本模块,用于为 PowerShell 命令行解释器和任务自动化软件开发一个包。 PSM1 文件中保存的代码包括用 PowerShell 脚本语言编写的函数、变量和命令。 与常规 PowerShell 脚本 (PS1) 文件不同,脚本模块中定义的函数和变量 (PSM1) 可以通过导入模块暴露给其他脚本。 您需要 Microsoft 的 PowerShell 等合适的软件来打开 PSM1 文件。 如果没有适当的软件,您将收到一条 Windows …
psm1 · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2025年2月27日 · 📚 Professional Scrum Master 1 (PSM I) cheatsheet and guide to face assessment. ImportFromURL is a Module / One-Liner that allows you to effortlessly import Ps1 Scripts, Psm1 Modules & Raw DLL Module Data into your current Powershell session without having to install or store any files locally. "Import From URL"
PowerShell 模块开发流程 - 叹为观止
2014年7月16日 · 我们希望使用 ISE 编辑器开发 PowerShell 的 .psm1 模块时,能够享受和开发 .ps1 脚本一样的体验: 能够在 ISE 中按 F5 键运行并观察执行效果。 能够在 ISE 中设置断点并进行调试。
How to get the PSM logo to embed in signature - Scrum.org
2021年3月23日 · I wanted to add the PSM certification i had, but i couldn't find the right logo online. Can someone help to guide how i can find the smaller image/icon which can be used in signature. Thanks and appreciate any support.
MyHelperModule.psm1 · GitHub
GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Import-Module dont import any command from my module
2021年1月10日 · I wrote a PSmodule foo.psm1, foo.psd1, the .PSM1 contain some function used. the PSD1 Config are shown below, the problem is when I run import-module foo, non of the function being imported and no command is available, the import was success, but commands are not available, I notice that the import-module -verbose is importing the .psd1 file ...
一周通过Professional Scrum Master(PSM1/PSM2)考试准备分享
2024年6月26日 · 如果还没考psm1,且有考psm2意愿的人,建议直接报考psm2,考试准备流程和psm1基本没差,就是考试卷里题目数目少一些,难度稍高一点,允许错题数少点。
PoShKeePass.psm1 - PowerShell Gallery
Foreground Color, Icon, ect. This Example Converts one or more KeePass Entries to a defined Powershell Object. This is the one or more KeePass Entries to be converted. Function to Retrieve a or all KeePass Database Configuration Profiles saved to the KeePassConfiguration.xml file. Specify the name of the profile to lookup.
AD Connect and powershell execution policy requirement
2024年6月26日 · To ensure Azure/Entra AD Connect functions properly, you need to set the execution policy to RemoteSigned. Here’s how you can do it: Right-click on the PowerShell icon and select Run as Administrator. This command sets the execution policy to RemoteSigned for the entire machine.
PSM wording/graphic for a signature - Scrum.org
2015年5月9日 · Hi, I have just passed the PSM level 1 exam and I would like my signature on my email at work to show this. Are there any official graphics/words/etc.. that can be used to show this. e.g. PhD, BSc, PSM1? Thanks.
Fail to create Storage Bus Cache | Microsoft Community Hub
2023年5月26日 · New-StorageBusBinding: 调用“PrepareHddForCache”时发生异常:“常规故障 ” 所在位置 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1. …
Facing issue in installing the Pnp PowerShell Module for …
2019年1月24日 · At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\2.0.3\PSModule.psm1:9550 char:21
Azure Stack HCI ARM deployment fails at "Configure networking …
2024年8月8日 · I'm trying to deploy a 3-Node Azure Stack HCI using an ARM template. The deployment process throws an error message. I don't know what has to be changed to get rid of this message. I followed all steps as documented on Microsoft's website. Any advice anyone?