PsN :: Documentation - GitHub Pages
List of common options for PsN tools. Benchmarking of NONMEM settings. Bootstrapped Stepwise Covariate Model-building. Bootstrap using the percentile or BCa method. Case Deletion Diagnostics. Create an empirical covariance matrix based on a rawresults file. Cross validation. NONMEM runs are started using one or multiple model files.
PsN :: Home - GitHub Pages
Perl-speaks-NONMEM (PsN) is a collection of Perl modules and programs aiding in the development of non-linear mixed effect models using NONMEM. The functionality ranges from solutions to simpler tasks such as parameter estimate extraction from output files, data file sub setting and resampling, to advanced computer-intensive statistical methods.
PsN/doc/sse_userguide.tex at master - GitHub
The sse\_results.csv file is a file specific to the sse routine containing summary statistics and comparisons common to all estimation runs. The header line for the reference/true values uses complete indexes for OMEGA and SIGMA, e.g OMEGA(2,1), SIGMA(3,3).
PsN/bin/sse at master · UUPharmacometrics/PsN - GitHub
First, using the input model, a number of simulated datasets are generated. Second, the input model and a set of alternative models are fitted to the simulated data. Finally, a set of …
PsN :: Download - GitHub Pages
Changes between PsN 2.3.0 and 2.3.1. Updated the sse user guide. Added support for models with block SIGMA structure in NONMEM VI 2.0. Fixed a bug to the bootstrap that caused options not to be passed correctly. Added support for the Torque grid computing system. Fixed a bug so that the -mplots flag works with bootstrap and llp.
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The R code included in PsN for the automatic plotting via the -rplots functionality has been moved in parts to a new R package called “PsNR”. This makes it easier to install other R package dependencies. The installation of PsNR can be done at PsN install time or at any time before or later using the R devtools package.
Modeling and Simulation Workbench for NONMEM: Tutorial on Pirana, PsN ...
2013年6月26日 · PsN. The simulation and re-estimation (sse) tool can be used to evaluate trial designs, e.g., to evaluate whether model parameters can be estimated with adequate precision under the intended or alternative experimental designs or with alternative models. It is also useful for evaluating fundamental modeling aspects, e.g., to evaluate how model ...
NONMEM中$COVARIANCE失败时的救济方法,谈一下参 …
Stochastic simulation estimation (SSE)法。 顾名思义就是用原模型simulate一组新的数据,然后用原模型进行拟合计算一组新的参数估计值。 具体使用时,可以将原模型的$COV去掉,只计算估计值。
[Psn-general] SSE question | Perl-speaks-NONMEM - SourceForge
Hi all, I am running a simulation-estimation using sse in PsN to check a shorter study design. The alternative model to be tested on the simulated data is actually the same model as the original model, but use IGNORE option to cut short the sampling schedule.
PsN/doc/sir_userguide.tex at master · UUPharmacometrics/PsN
In a regular bootstrap raw\_results file, and also in an initial\_estimates.csv file from an sse run, the first line of estimates refers to the input model with the full dataset, so therefore the default offset is 1.