National decision model | College of Policing
The NDM is the primary decision model for the police service. However, responding to emergencies is a multi-agency activity and the resolution of an emergency will usually involve collaboration between police, fire and rescue, and ambulance services.
The National Police Chief Council (NPCC) has approved the adoption of a single National Decision Model (NDM) for the Police Service. The NPCC Ethics Portfolio and the National Risk Coordination Group have developed this values-based tool to provide a simple, logical and evidence-based approach to making policing decisions.
First published 23 October 2013 Updated 24 January 2024 Written by College of Policing 11 mins read Application The national decision model (NDM) is suitable for all decisions and should be used by everyone in policing. It can be applied: to spontaneous incidents or planned operations by an individual or team of people
National Decision Model nt de-brief. The NDM has at its centre a pentagon that emphasizes the importance of The Police Service Code of Ethics keeping values, risk management and the protection of human rights at the h art of ev decision. The pentagon supports a five-stage decision making process based on
Policing professional standards and core principles
2023年6月8日 · Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) In the PSNI, the PSNI chief officer POPS lead is required to ensure that PSNI POPS-trained staff meet the relevant standard for PSNI on an annual basis.
Many of the research participants discussed use of the National Decision Model (NDM). The NDM has some obvious benefits, including acting as a clear prompt to consider multiple relevant facets of a decision and its role in recording of a defensible basis for …
Police College - PSNI
We run a range of programmes from the nationally delivered Senior Leaders Development Programme, to tailored courses designed in-house by skilled practitioners, to online learning and virtual masterclasses.
Six symbols selected for PSNI badge – The Irish Times
2001年12月13日 · Six symbols which reflect both nationalist and unionist identities have been chosen by Northern Ireland's Policing Board as the design for a badge which will be worn by …
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) - Institute for Government
2023年10月9日 · PSNI was created with the aim of allowing policing by consent across both communities and the police and its leadership need to be seen to be acting in a way that enables them to continue to command cross-community support.
Neat Download Manager (NDM下载器) 1.4.24 汉化单文件版 - 远 …
2024年1月4日 · Neat Download Manager (NDM下载器) 是由国外厂商打造开发的一款免费Internet下载管理器,支持HTTP、HTTPS、FTP、HTTP代理、SOCKS协议以及HTTP身份验证和代理身份验证。 Neat Download Manager也是一个可靠的应用程序,与其他类似的下载应用程序相比,它可以为你提供快速安全的下载速度,能够与Safari、Google和Opera等不同的搜索引擎进行协作,为你提供管理、保存声音和电影格式的不同文件功能,即使你正在下载文件,它也可以 …