豹2型坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
這款引擎於1960年代中期設計,是世界上第一款輸出1,500匹馬力的戰車引擎,而且運作可靠,與其他國家同時期的柴油引擎相比處於領先地位,當時的英國、美國、法國及蘇聯都未能製造出性能相仿的柴油引擎,如英國在1983年服役的挑戰者一型重量更大,但引擎馬力只有1,200匹,美蘇兩國則將注意力放在 燃氣渦輪引擎,結構與噴射機引擎相似的燃氣渦輪引擎,雖然本身可提供比活塞引擎更高的推重比,起動及加速也更快,但低速運轉時效率較低,在實際使用時的油耗量大, …
Leopard 2 - Wikipedia
The Leopard 2 PSO is equipped with more effective all-around protection, a secondary weapons station, improved reconnaissance ability, an obstacle clearance blade (OCB), a shorter gun barrel for manoeuvring on urban streets at the expense of fire range, non-lethal armament, close-range surveillance ability through camera systems, a searchlight ...
Ariete - Wikipedia
The C1 Ariete (English: battering ram, ram) is a 3rd generation main battle tank of the Italian Army, developed by Consorzio Iveco Oto Melara (CIO), a consortium formed by IVECO and OTO Melara. The chassis and engine were produced by Iveco, while the turret and fire-control system were supplied by OTO Melara.
Army Guide
Here, a potentially inferior enemy finds cover and concealment, and can attack armoured units at close range with hand-held anti-tank weapons without being detected and combated in time. To survive in such surroundings, the LEOPARD 2 PSO has, among other things, improved all-round protection from anti-tank weapons.
Army Guide - Leopard 2PSO, Main battle tank
Here, a potentially inferior enemy finds cover and concealment, and can attack armoured units at close range with hand-held anti-tank weapons without being detected and combated in time. To survive in such surroundings, the LEOPARD 2 PSO has, among other things, improved all-round protection from anti-tank weapons.
Main Battle Tank - Leopard 2
2010年11月24日 · With the PSO version, KMW, as the partner of the Bundeswehr, are turning the LEOPARD 2 battle tank into a weapon system that is technically fit for the 21st century. The Leopard PSO thus combines sustainability and efficiency for MOUT (Military-Operations-in-Urban-Terrain) missions - the new range of assignments for the Allied armed forces.
Leopard 2 PSO - Defense Update
2006年7月26日 · Leopard Peace Support Operations (PSO) is a demonstrator vehicle, developed by Krauss Maffei Wegmann (KMW) to enable the German Army and other Leopard 2 users to evaluate the use of tanks in urban warfare scenarios. The PSO was displayed at Eurosatory 2006 fitted with add-on armor to the turret and hull (skirts), a dozer blade,…
Leopard 2 PSO - War Thunder Wiki
The Leopard 2 PSO, with PSO standing for "Peace Support Operations", was KMW's proactive development of the Bundeswehr's requirements for a tank that needed to be adapted for urban warfare peacekeeping operations.
Army Guide - LEOPARD 2 PSO Peace Support Operation
Krauss-Maffei Wegmann is designing a new version of the LEOPARD 2 MBT for Peace Support Operations (PSO), intended for peacemaking and peacekeeping deployments. The future vehicle is claimed to feature higher military assertiveness, sustainability, mobility, and protection.
Leopard 2 PSO : Germany (DEU) - Armedconflicts.com
Leopard 2 PSO (Peace Support Operations) - tank version Leopard 2 intended for use in peacekeeping operations. The machine is specially adapted especially for actions in built-up areas. The sides of the tower and the chassis are better protected from RPG hits.