OSTENT Real 1400mAh 3.6V Lithium Ion Li-ion Polymer …
2022年5月26日 · Brand new, high capacity quality lithium ion polymer battery pack. Fits right in the battery slot, and you cover it with the PSP battery cover. Voltage: 3.6V; capacity: real 1400mAh; model: PSP-S280. Upgraded version for Sony PSP-S110 1200mAh battery pack.
OSTENT Real 1400mAh 3.6V Lithium Ion Li-ion Polymer …
*High capacity quality lithium ion polymer battery pack. *Fits right in the battery slot, and you cover it with the PSP battery cover. *Voltage: 3.6V. *Capacity: real 1400mAh. *Model: PSP-S280. *Upgraded version for Sony PSP-S110 1200mAh battery pack. *Rechargeable and …
PSP Battery Brand Test and Review for OSTENT 1200 mAh and 1400 …
2023年5月29日 · Capacity: 1200 mAh and 1400 mAh for PSP 2000/3000. Pricing: (USD) $10.14 per 1200 mAh battery, and $10.98 per 1400 mAh battery. App: PSP Battery Timer. Tested on three PSP 2000 models and one 3000 model. Test parameters: CPU Clock: 222Mhz. Backlight Auto Adjust: OFF. Backlight Auto-Off: OFF. Auto-Sleep: OFF. WLAN switch: OFF.
PSP各型号机能差异汇总 - 百度贴吧
r/PSP on Reddit: Is the Ostent 1400mAh battery a good 3rd party …
2022年11月15日 · The guy who claimed 8 hours was using the 2200mah version in a PSP 2000. I would guess the combination of larger capacity and improved power efficiency is what's giving such good run time. My son has the 2200 in his 2000 …
OSTENT 1400mAh 3.6V or 1200mAh 3.6V ? : r/PSP - Reddit
2022年11月7日 · Just get the 1200mAh 3.6V. It will be compatible with a PSP 2000 and 3000. Would the 1400mAh one work on a PSP 3004 ? (With the back cover on). Or should I get the …
OSTENT High Quality Real Capacity 1200mAh 1400mAh 3.6V ... - AliExpress
Top recommended brand for 3rd party batteries. Arrived early than stated. Fits in my PSP 2000.
1400能入手一个PSP吗? - 百度知道
2011年3月12日 · 1400能入手一个PSP吗? 游戏店网店什么的都能买到,不过建议去电玩巴士的实品店,虽然贵点但售后有保障。 6.20及以上的机器基本上在1200左右的价位,算上记忆棒什么的1400差不多了。
傲硕/OSTENT原装品质PSP电池大容量升级版索尼PSP2000/PSP3000锂电池游戏机内置电池1200毫安1400 …
psp2000/3000电池,100+用户购后写下真实评论,其中6人说它续航时间长,2人说它提升流畅度,2人说它性价比高,2人说它做工质量很好,3人说它发货物流快,2人说它运行速度快。颜色分类:PSP 1200毫安电池 PSP 1200毫安电池+充电线 PSP 1400毫安电池 PSP 1400毫安电池+充电线,生产企业:深圳市傲硕数码科技 ...
现在买PSP 单机1400算贵吗 我的是在新亚买的 - 百度知道
2007年8月28日 · 现在买PSP 单机1400算贵吗 我的是在新亚买的人家都说了是单机了楼上的还这么罗嗦.不贵.但也没便宜到.单机现在1300是最低价位.