PSP系列(开关式) (PSP-603,PSP-405,PSP-2010)_固纬电子 (苏 …
psp系列是单组输出,200w的可程式切换直流电源供应器,过电压,过电流和过温度保护可以使psp电源和负载免受意外损害。 大的LCD显示幕可以同时显示输出值和参数设定值,面板锁定功能可以避免错误操作,在电压和电流的基础上增加了输出功率的设定,提供您 ...
The PSP-Series is single output, 200W, programmable switching DC power supplies. OVL, OCL, OTP, and OPL protect the PSP-Series and its loads from unexpected conditions. The PSP-Series has a large LCD panel to display output and parameter simultaneously and a key lock feature to prevent changing the settings.
固纬PSP系列直流电源(开关式) (PSP-603,PSP-405,PSP-2010)
台湾固纬 PSP-2010 可编程开关直流电源 (20V/10A/200W) - 博测 …
台湾固纬 psp-2010 可编程开关直流电源(20v/10a/200w) 简单、安全且价格实惠,电压、电流及功率设置
Instek PSP-2010 0-20V, 0-10A DC Power Supply - TEquipment
The PSP-Series are single output, 200W, programmable switching DC power supplies. OVL, OCL, OTP, and OPL protect the PSP-Series and its loads from unexpected conditions. The PSP-Series have large LCD panel do display output and parameter simultaneously and a key lock feature to prevent changing the settings.
- 评论数: 4
PSP series power supplies fall under category II. Measurement category IV is for measurement performed at the source of low-voltage installation. Measurement category III is for measurement performed in the building installation. Measurement category II is …
【固纬PSP-2010】固纬PSP-2010 可编程开关直流电源 …
GW Instek PSP-2010 LCD Display Programmable Switching DC Power Supply ...
2012年9月7日 · This Instek PSP series single-output programmable switching DC power supply unit provides a constant source of DC voltage and current for powering and testing electronic devices. The power supply unit (PSU) has one output that supplies adjustable voltage and current for a variety of applications.
- 评论数: 2
PSP-2010 GW INSTEK, 台式电源, 切换直流, 可编程, 1输出, 0 V, 20 …
PSP-2010 is a single output, 200W, programmable switching DC power supplies. OVL, OCL, OTP, and OPL protect the PSU and its loads from unexpected conditions. It has a large LCD panel to display output and parameter simultaneously and a …
PSP-603, PSP-405, PSP-2010 用户手册_说明书下载
2012年4月7日 · psp-603, psp-405, psp-2010 用户手册 介绍了PSP系列产品的特点特性,包括产品介绍、安全信息、技术规格、控制面板、操作步骤、故障处理及维护等 厂商: PSP-603,