PSP 2: price, expected release date, and everything you need to …
3 天之前 · The PSP 2 release date could be as early as next year in 2026 but as we mentioned earlier it may even release in 2027 or (hopefully not) be scrapped altogether. A PSP 2 2026 release would put it in direct competition with the Nintendo Switch 2, which slipped to a release date of mid-2025, and potentially pit it against Valve's Steam Deck 2.
PSP 3要来了? 曝索尼正研发新掌机 能兼容所有PS4游戏和部分PS5 …
2024年11月24日 · 近日根据游戏博主@TCMFGames的爆料称,索尼目前正在研发下一代手持设备,预计将于PS6时代推出。 这款新掌机将可以兼容所有PS4游戏,以及一些带有补丁的PS5游戏。
[PSP] 【2025更新】PSP掌机常用工具软件和模拟器最新版本汇总
【更新日期:2025年1月1日】(应该是故意这样写) 主机模拟器系列: 全能模拟器 RetroArch,v1.19.1. FC 红白机模拟器 :NesterJ,v1.13 beta2. SFC超任模拟器:s9xTYLme,mod 180404. 世嘉MD/MD CD/32X模拟器:PicoDrive,v1.92.3. 世嘉MD 模拟器 :DGen,v1.70 RX. PCE模拟器:PCE for PSP,v0.8.3
Sony PSP 2: Every rumor we know so far - Dexerto
2024年8月30日 · Don’t expect the reveal of a potential PSP 2 until the latter half of 2025 at the very earliest. According to Moore’s Law is Dead, the device is still in what he describes as a ‘high-level ...
Is There a New Sony PSP for 2025? – KNM Electronics
2024年11月21日 · A new Sony PSP 2 for 2025 could have a significant impact on the gaming industry, sparking competition and innovation among other handheld console manufacturers. The release of a next-generation PSP could redefine portable …
Sony May Be Plotting A New PSP To Compete With Nintendo's …
2024年11月25日 · Next-Gen PC Handheld hardware is coming in 2025. Microsoft and Sony will have a problem when it comes to power vs price.
【买前必看】2025哪台掌机最值得入手?NS PSP 3DS win Steam …
2025年算是游戏机的大年了,不仅新掌机Switch2会发布,还有各种游戏也陆续会登场,开年内容给大家安排一期游戏掌机的入手建议。我们今年还想收集PSP全系列、3DS全系列、PSV全系列、SteamDeck全系列给大家各种角度的测评内容。还有更多游戏机的推荐内容没办法 ...
PSP掌机复通有戏!已有团队开发出最新固件 - 新浪财经
2025年2月16日 · 上周,由Acid_Snake领导的ARK开发团队联合Moment(wpa2psp插件原作者),宣布推出支持WPA2加密的最新固件。 这次更新解决了已停产十余年的索尼PlayStation Portable(PSP)掌机因加密协议过时而无法联网的问题。 核心在于Moment开发的wpa2psp插件。 该插件利用逆向工程重构了PSP的无线通信模块,并首次实现了对WPA2-PSK AES加密协议的支持。 目前,该插件已经开源,并被集成至ARK-4固件中,用户无需手动配置即可启用。
2025 is the year of the PSP revival, and it’s starting with a bang
This year, the PSP revival will continue with multiple ports, but a big one for RPG fans kicks off 2025. Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana brings a PSP remake of a classic action-RPG back to...
The 20 year old PSP can now connect to WPA2 Wifi Networks
2025年2月14日 · Acid_Snake and the ARK Development team have released a significant update to the ARK custom Firmware for the Sony PSP. Custom Firmware now allows the Playstation Portable to connect to WPA2 encrypted Wifi networks. This is thanks to the recently released wpa2psp plugin, created by developer Moment and published on the PSP Homebrew discord.. Playstation Portable gets WPA2 Wifi access
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