25 Best PSP RPGs & JRPGs Of All Time - FandomSpot
2005年2月10日 · The PlayStation is among the best consoles for role-playing games, so it’s no surprise that its portable brethren is another excellent RPG machine. With the PSP you even get quicksave in many titles. Take that, save spots! The PSP RPG library is incredibly diverse, featuring both original games and remakes. But also incredibly good.
psp上面有没有什么比较好玩又可以玩很长时间的有中文的rpg游戏 …
2018年12月14日 · 唯一推荐的一款srpg游戏,3d地形,5头身人设。 不过该游戏对小白玩家并不友好,原因在于敌我AI都相当高,而且配合默契,在游戏前期没有好装备和技能情况下,基本一步走错就会满盘皆输。
Top 20 PSP RPGs - RPGFan
2013年10月16日 · The PSP may not have overtaken its dual screened rival in sales, but it was loaded with excellent RPGs. Our Top 20 PSP RPGs feature collects our absolute faves.
The 15 Best Open-World PSP Games Ever Made - FandomSpot
The advent of 3D gaming started the fire, and every year it burns brighter. Nowadays, you can sail the Greek islands in ancient times in AC: Odyssey, explore a beautiful fantasy land full of anime characters in Genshin Impact, or go on Link’s most epic adventure inBreath of the Wild – all from the comfort of your sofa.
New RPG Games on PSP - Metacritic
New RPG Games on PSP. Find your next game for any platform. Filter by platform, genre, or release year.
这些JRPG游戏能玩一辈子!怪不得PSP是永远的神机_游侠网 …
1 天前 · 为什么总说psp是神机?因为这些jrpg游戏真的能玩一辈子!本期我们将为您推荐十款psp平台上最优秀、最让人难以忘怀的jrpg,这些都是拥有跨越时间的力量的精品,而且其中还有不少作品推出了高清重制版,即便是不喜欢老游戏画质的玩家也可以通过重制版来轻松上手!
25 Best PSP RPGs of All Time - ProFanboy
It not only has a unique roulette style battle mechanic but it is also the beginning of the more action-oriented, 3D combat. #7. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
這些JRPG遊戲能玩一輩子!怪不得PSP是永遠的神機 - 遊戲狂
12 小时之前 · 為什麽總說psp是神機?因為這些jrpg遊戲真的能玩一輩子!本期我們將為您推薦十款psp平台上最優秀、最讓人難以忘懷的jrpg,這些都是擁有跨越時間的力量的精品,而且其中還有不少作品推出了高清重製版,就算是不喜歡老遊戲畫質的玩家也可以通過重製版來輕鬆上手!
The Best RPGs on the PSP - Ranker
2025年3月2日 · Whether you’re revisiting old favorites or looking for new adventures, these PSP RPGs are sure to offer countless hours of immersive gameplay. Most divisive: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Over 4.9K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list …
Best RPG Games on PSP : r/PSP - Reddit
2021年4月15日 · Did you play FF Crisis Core? If not star from that, than try FF7, FF8, FF9 they are Ps Classic playable on PSP.