PSP模拟器游戏可设高清,存档通用教程 - 百度贴吧
折腾完实体机PSP之后,看到别人用PPSSPP模拟器在电脑上玩PSP游戏可以设置成高清模式,只要显卡足够强悍,就可以10倍的分辨率渲染,我理解就把原本只有480*272低分辨率的游戏原生画面,通过电脑算法把它不齐到更高分辨率,我看PPSSPP软件设置最高是10倍,原本对此我没有太高期待,心想原生分辨率那么低,你再怎么靠算法能提高多少清晰度呢? 就好比一张打了马赛克的照片,你已经失去了图像细节了,你靠算法就可以让它清晰? 我反正不太信…… 不管怎样, …
PPSSPP - PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS
2024年8月15日 · Play your PSP games in HD! PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC or Android phone in full HD resolution or even higher. It can also upscale textures to make them sharper, and you can enable post-processing shaders to adjust color and brightness the way you like, and other effects.
PPSSPP LCD与CRT滤镜下载及使用方法 - 百度贴吧
使用方法,进入网页下载ppsspp_shader_bundle.zip,再回上一页下载crt_shader.zip。 解压文件,把所有文件移动到psp/shaders。 除了zfastLCD HD,其它滤镜只能在1倍渲染分辨率下生效。 需要打开整倍像素缩放才能正确显示滤镜。 建议缩放方法改为邻近采样,线性过滤也没什么,只是糊一点。 带psp color的滤镜可以还原psp颜色 (个人不喜欢,psp颜色不够鲜艳)。 dot滤镜比LCDx3滤镜糊一点点。 CRT滤镜不是ppsspp自带的劣质扫描线,是从retroarch移植过来的, …
Play PSP Games In 4K On PC,Mac,Linux and Android - YouTube
2020年4月22日 · Play PSP Games In 4K On PC,Mac,Linux and Android - PPSSPP Full Setup Guide. Have you ever wanted to play your favorite PSP games in 720p,1080p 1440p or even 4k? Well in this video I show...
PPSSPP 以V1.15.2 + 新滤镜 重玩一年前的“战神真正4k版高清贴图包
昨天有位比较相熟的粉丝朋友,请教我psp材质包打包的方法,还告诉我一年前分享的"真正4k版高清贴图包"在手机运行上是非常卡顿。 他又不舍得丢弃,一直放置在手机内一段很长的时间....
jdgleaver/ppsspp_shaders: Shaders for standalone PPSSPP emulator - GitHub
A small collection of shaders for PPSSPP standalone, ported from various sources. A port of the 'bead' shader from RetroArch, which turns each pixel into a round bead. The native PSP resolution is too high for this to work entirely as it should (unless used with a 4k+ display), but it still produces quite a nice clean, crisp result.
PPSSPP 4K - PSP Emulator Guide - Step by Step - YouTube
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC or Android phone in full HD resolution or even higher.
Recommended settings - PPSSPP
Set rendering resolution to match your device resolution. 4x = 1080p, 8x = 4K. Set Texture Filtering to Auto Max Quality; Use the Vulkan backend, and set MSAA to 4x, or even 8x. Disable everything under Speedhacks. That's about how good things will get, without delving into texture upscaling or replacement. Low-end hardware
全高清畫質 PSP 模擬器 – PPSSPP 1.18 免安裝中文版 – 中文化天地網
2024年2月5日 · PPSSPP 是一款專為PSP愛好者打造的高畫質模擬器,它讓您能夠在電腦和Android手機上以Full HD的全高清畫質盡情享受PSP遊戲的精彩。PPSSPP的一大優勢在於能夠提供高畫質解析度,即使是原始PSP的小螢幕也能呈現極為清晰的畫面。
PPSSPP 圣女贞德中文版 4K高清材质完整版/60帧数金手指