Found my old PSP GPS. Anyone actually used it? : r/PSP - Reddit
2022年10月10日 · MAP THIS! was the software, and you could use open maps to make your own maps. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Map_This!/Installation_and_setup. I have one as well, and …
手把手教你玩转PSP定位GPS模块 - PConline
2008年3月12日 · PSP专用GPS全球定位仪外观造型和过去的麦克风以及摄像头一样,通过PSP上部USB接口来进行连接,上部透明的丙烯面板起到天线接收功能,左侧有螺丝进行固定。 …
Turn PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) into a Personal GPS Navigation …
Las Vegas, January 7th 2008 - In early Spring 2008, PSP (PlayStation®Portable) owners need never get lost again - thanks to a new addition to the Go! range called Go!Explore which puts …
PSP Go專用GPS模組公開 - Mobile01
2009年9月25日 · 要玩GPS這類的螢幕還是要大一點比較好。 .... 就不能作的小巧一點嗎? 而且 這樣的話 車架也會很大吧? psp沒出觸控螢幕玩gps功能也是很麻煩...... 為提供您更優質的服 …
I'm using this PSP as a gps nav! : r/PSP - Reddit
With the gps accessory on the top of psp, connected by the mini usb port. The game is called go explore
GO!Explore - PSP Developer wiki - psdevwiki.com
Go!Explore is a GPS System for your PSP. It works with a GPS receiver Powered by Nav N Go. A UMD contains a set of maps By Tele Atlas. It is basically a Sat Nav for the PSP in which you …
GPS on PSP Go : r/PSP - Reddit
2021年3月24日 · First, I have a PSP Go with mini-usb adapter. The adapter is mostly used to connect a camera, however I also got an external GPS module but have zero idea how it was …
How To Put GPS on PSP - It Still Works
To take advantage of the GPS signal for gaming or navigation purposes, you'll need to load a game or navigation program into your PSP's drive. A variety of games support GPS …
在 PSP 上使用全球卫星定位系统 (GPS) – 格致
这款GPS receiver的好处在于本身带电池,充满电可用10个小时以上,支持蓝牙,而且体积只有火柴盒那么大。 然后去 Denis 的论坛下载一个GPL的PSP Homebrew程序 Map This!,关于PSP …
原來 PSP 掌機還能這樣用?日網友用 PSP 導航引發熱議
2023年4月20日 · 近(16)日,名為「Kiyu」的日本網友分享使用 PSP 掌機作為道路導航系統的照片,這張照片發布後瞬間在推特爆紅。 不少玩家驚呼原來 PSP 還有這些功能,裡面用到了軟 …