C'ant access vsh or recovery menu - GBAtemp.net
2025年3月13日 · To enter CFW, and by proxy also the Recovery Menu and VSH on a non cIPL-compatible PSP running 6.60, you have to use Fast Recovery which is a part of the Pro-C package for your firmware. Here's a link to the 6.60 PRO-C2 installation package, it has everything you need to enter those menus.
Ultimate VSH Menu PSP - GameBrew
Ultimate VSH Menu is an advanced VSH Menu for CFW 5.XX. There are many useful features, like hide UMD update icon, skip gameboot or load Recovery menu.
Just got a PSPgo, what is VSH menu? : r/PSP - Reddit
I just got a psp go, pressed select and a 'VSH' menu came up. I'm assuming this has to do with custom firmware but ideally I would like to start completely fresh. How can I remove it, i.e. go back to a new factory restored system?
[PSP] PRO-C Recovery Menu ( 恢復菜单)翻譯註解【支持所有系 …
2012年9月2日 · 在XMB桌面按下select呼出VSH菜单,然后在RECOVERY MENU ->上面按下X就可以进入恢复菜单了。 今天给广大玩友带来了恢复菜单的翻译,不会弄的朋友们,按照图片上的设置就好了。 此翻译于PRO-B8开始改用半图片、半文字翻译+详细注解,图片上面没办法写进去那么多的注解。 Flash 0:F0,PSP禁区,任何不正当的操作都会导致PSP变砖没得救。
PSP - System Menu v8 | PSX-Place
2016年8月22日 · This plugin upgrades your VSH menu and graphics, maing it look nicer and easier to use. - Fixed a display of the background. - Added option to choose the font colour of …
Semi-bricked PSP Go using TN HEN Recovery menu
2025年2月5日 · TN Hen Recovery menu allows me to load /PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP (the OFW) directly, but doing this simply crashes my Go back to the Recovery menu. How would I start up the Hellcats Recovery menu?
VSH Menu - PSP Developer wiki - psdevwiki.com
The VSH menu allows you to change around some options while in the XMB, without going all the way to the Recovery Menu.
Installing Pro CFW on a PSP Go - Wololo.net
In this page I’m describing the easiest possible way for you to install the most reliable Custom Firmware on your PSP: Pro CFW. Installing Pro CFW on your PSPGo is simple, free, and is not much risky than installing a Firmware update on your device. It does not require any advanced hack technique or hardware modification.
Upgrade your VSH menu ! System Menu Mod plugin PSP
2024年3月29日 · Hello guys , in this video I'll show you how you can upgrade your PSP's VSH menu to look nicer and easy to use , using the System Menu mod plugin v0.3 by Plu...
PyMenu PSP - GameBrew
An alternative menu for PS Vita and PSP coded with StacklessPython for PSP. Features Compatibility with CEF, PRO and VHBL. Boot Homebrew games (all versions). Boot ISO and …