How to play UMD Movies on a PSP GO - YouTube
2024年9月12日 · Here is a quick tutorial that a few users asked for about adding actual UMD movie isos to a PSP Go. Since the system doesn't have a UMD drive you can't really physically play them on it so...
[希望没有火星]完全免费!PSP go将拥有UMD光盘转换服务
2006年3月2日 · 对于新购买PSP Go的人,该如何处理旧有的UMD格式游戏光盘呢? 索尼硬件营销主管John Koller对外透露说,索尼将很快为用户提供一个UMD游戏转换方式,让PSP Go的玩家能玩到手 ...
Does anyone know how to put umd videos on the psp go? : r/PSP - Reddit
2023年8月4日 · I have a bunch of umd shows and movies that I want to put on my psp but I only have a psp go. Is there any way to rip these videos and put the contents of the umd’s on to the psp go’s storage or memory card?
【图片】带你重新认识手中的PSP【UMD 影音篇】【psp吧】_百 …
UMD全称为Universal MediaDisc(通用媒体光碟),是SONY特地为PSP开发的一种多媒体储存媒介,最大容量可以达到1.8GB,直径却仅仅只有150px,规格有“UMD Audio”和“UMD Video”两种,采用了H.264/AVC影像压缩标准以及索尼自主制定的ATRAC3Plus音频压缩标准,能够广泛应用 …
索尼为什么在PSP上推出专用的UMD光盘,而不使用不使用MD盘 …
有答主提到了完全取消UMD的PSP GO,我认为这并不是UMD本身的错,而是当年来说PSP GO的理念过于超前,不仅人们的观念还未接受数字版游戏,而且当年索尼对psp的数字版游戏支持也是残废状态,这些综合作用导致了psp go的失败。
psp go_百度百科
PSP Go取消了UMD光驱,代之以16GB的内置闪存,同时预留Memory Stick Micro(M2) 记忆棒 插槽。 玩家可以从电脑 下载游戏,保存在记忆棒中插入PSP Go运行,也可以直接通过PSP Go上网下载游戏。
How can i play UMD games on PSP GO? Or Play Minis on normal PSP? - Reddit
2021年11月10日 · The PSP Go doesn't have a UMD drive. You need to buy games and minis digitally from the PS store
How do i play UMD Video ISO's on my modded psp? : r/PSP - Reddit
2021年9月22日 · I'm trying to simplify all this for my gf as I'm gifting her a PSP Go with a bunch of games and her favorite movies, but this whole VSH menu mounting ISO situation is not ideal …
How do I play my PSP UMD back ups on my GO? - GBAtemp.net
2025年2月5日 · So I bought a PSP Go because my PSP 2001 has about had it. I used a guide on a different site and backed up my UMD discs to my computer. I tried putting the ripped ISO's on my hacked GO, but I keep getting a corrupted data icon for the ISO's. Do I need to convert the ISO data to an eboot to play my games?
How do you get your umds on to the new psp go!? - GameFAQs
2005年3月24日 · You do not get to use UMDs with a Go!, It works like a hard drive you have to download the games you want to play. if you've got the games though go for a 2000 series, but odds are you'll end...