PSP - System Menu v8 - PSX-Place
2016年8月22日 · This plugin upgrades your VSH menu and graphics, maing it look nicer and easier to use. - Fixed a display of the background. - Added option to choose the font colour of the "enable/disable" options in the setting file. - Added option in setting file to choose which CFW the plugin is running on.
Ultimate VSH Menu PSP - GameBrew
2024年6月21日 · Ultimate VSH Menu is an advanced VSH Menu for CFW 5.XX. There are many useful features, like hide UMD update icon, skip gameboot or load Recovery menu.
【精华】PSP6.35PRO恢复菜单详解 - 百度贴吧
XMB(系统菜单)下按select键呼出vsh菜单,选择RECOVERY MENU即可进入恢复菜单 (注意:FreeCheat不兼容恢复菜单,开启FreeCheat后进入恢复菜单会死机)
PSP桌面VSH MENU菜单各选项详细说明 - 百度文库
XMB是PSP操作系统独有的操作界面的缩写,原意为:Xross Media Bar or the psp's menu, 或者方法2,同样首先把潘多拉电池拿出来(一定要拿掉电池),然后直插电源开机,进入XMB界面(即PSP桌面)后,再把电池放进去(很重要),按SELECT键呼出小菜单vsh menu,选 …
VSH Menu - PSP Developer wiki - psdevwiki.com
2021年4月22日 · Once activated, you can view this menu in XMB by pressing the 'Home' button (in 3.52M33) or 'SELECT' button (in 3.71M33 or above). You must have CFW 3.52 M33 or above to use this feature. This is built in feature, you don't have to download anything. Make sure that you have activated this feature through the Recovery Menu.
PSP - System Menu v8 - Extra Info - PSX-Place
2016年8月22日 · System Menu v8 (VSH menu upgrade) -plum. PSX-Place. Home Resources > PlayStation Portable (PSP) > Apps > Download Now 35.3 KB .zip; ... PSP Dosbox Dosbox 0.72 -CrazyC & The DOSBox Team PSP ScummVM ScummVM(Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion Virtual Machine) emulator for the PSP
SystemMenu PSP - GameBrew
2024年7月11日 · SystemMenu is a plugin that changes the VSH menu's graphical user interface, making it easier to navigate. Note: Please use this plugin at your own risk. Put system_menu.prx and system_menu_conf.txt into the seplugins folder on your Memory Stick. Open (or create) vsh.txt inside the same seplugins directory, then write the following line.
System Menu Mod PSP - GameBrew
2024年8月29日 · Added option to hide items in VSH menu. Support to re-order the plugins by holding Square + Up or Down button in plugin manager. Support to immediately start VSH plugins without restarting the vsh by Pressing the Triangle button on the selected plugin.
[笔记]PSP桌面VSH MENU菜单各选项详细说明 - 豆丁网
2016年5月30日 · 在XMB界面按SELECT键呼出VSHMENU小菜单(vshmenu)(前提是. 你已经在恢复模式里开启了此项功能),才可呼出。 不知道XMB界面. 是什么给大家看张图PSP桌面VSHMENU菜单各选项详细说明PSP桌面VSHMENU菜单各选项详细说明在XMB界面按SELECT键呼出VSHMENU小菜单(vshmenu)(前提是你已经在恢复模式里开启了此项功能),才可呼出。 不知道XMB界面是什么给大家看张图上图这个界面就是PSP的系统界面,简称XMB界面。 …
Ultimate VSH Menu Revised PSP by Total Noob - GitHub
2017年9月24日 · * Connect your PSP to computer via USB Wire. * Toggle your PSP in USB Mode. * Click with right button of your mouse on downloaded file. * Choose "extract files..." * Choose the letter that the system attribute to your PSP in desktop. * Click on OK and wait that all files are copied on your computer.
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