PlayStation Portable hardware - Wikipedia
The system has 32 MiB main RAM in the original PSP and 64 MiB in the PSP 2000 (and subsequent series) and 4 MiB embedded DRAM in all models. The 4 MiB of eDRAM consists of 2 MiB dedicated to the graphics processing unit and 2 …
PlayStation Portable - Wikipedia
The PSP uses two 333 MHz MIPS32 R4000 R4k-based CPUs, as a main CPU and Media Engine, a GPU running at 166 MHz, and includes 32 MB main RAM (64 MB on PSP-2000 and later models), and 4 MB embedded DRAM split between …
PlayStation Portable - 百度百科
您可运行UMD或保存于Memory Stick Duo中的PSP专用格式游戏(从PS Store上购买或下载试玩)。 运行保存于Memory Stick Duo中UMD镜像(ISO或CSO,系统需破解)。 PS one游戏(即PlayStation初代游戏,需转换)。
无限便携 —— PlayStation Portable (PSP) 架构分析(上) - 哔哩哔哩
Memory layout from the main CPU perspective. PSP 使用了两个可从 CPU 访问的内存: 16 KB 的SRAM:也就是我们在之前的文章中提到的便笺存储器(Scratchpad)。 也就是一块小而快的内存。 尽管非官方文件称其 "毫无用处",但开发人员仍有责任正确使用它。
Sony PSP (PlayStation Portable) Specs and Details - Lifewire
2019年12月6日 · CPU: PSP CPU (System clock frequency 1~333MHz) Main Memory: 32MB; Embedded DRAM: 4MB; Display: 4.3 inch, 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD, 480 x 272 pixel (16.77 million colors), Max. 200 cd/m2 (with brightness control) Speakers: Built-in stereo speakers; Main Input/Output: IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi), USB 2.0 (Target), Memory Stick™ PRO Duo, IrDA, IR …
刚入坑psp,想问一下选psp的内存卡的有限制吗? - 知乎
2021年11月8日 · 2023年1月15日,现在比较便宜的朗科、忆捷64G是20以内,128G是40多,每G单价没太大差距了。 一般 PSP 游戏在1G左右,大的2G小的几百M。 爱玩硬核游戏的手残死胖子。 (沉迷乐高ing) 之前是必须选 索尼的记忆棒,但是现在,基本上就是一个卡套+高速的sd卡就行。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。
PSP处理器解析,独特的架构设计 - 哔哩哔哩
Game Engine才是PSP的主要处理器,其中主要包含了CPU,GPU,eDRAM,以及VFPU等等,我们这里重点说下Game Engine。 下面先说CPU 这颗CPU是基于MIPS R4000深度定制的,索尼为其命名Allegrex。
How much RAM did the PSP have? - orbispatches.com
The PSP uses two 333 MHz MIPS32 R4000 R4k-based CPUs, as a main CPU and Media Engine, a GPU running at 166 MHz, and includes 32 MB main RAM (64 MB on PSP-2000 and later models), and 4 MB embedded DRAM split between …
psp在游戏用多少内存? - 百度知道
psp在游戏用多少内存? psp3000实际内存是64M 现在6.60的开放内存大致是完全的 玩游戏一般用到30M这样 可能更少也可能多一点 但绝对不超过32M 用UMD玩游戏时占用的内存甚至更少 但是32M对于psp CPU能够运行的游戏来说
How much RAM does a PSP have? - Games Learning Society
2025年2月8日 · How Much RAM Does a PSP Have? A Detailed Look. Understanding PSP RAM Configurations. The Initial PSP-1000 RAM; The RAM Upgrade in PSP-2000 and Later Models; Embedded DRAM; Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about PSP RAM. 1. Does the PSP-3000 Have More RAM Than the PSP-1000? 2. Can You Upgrade RAM on a PSP? 3. How Much Storage Capacity Does the ...
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