What are the best psp games? : r/PSP - Reddit
2022年2月15日 · I know the God of War is a good one A good two, actually.. List of a few of the major franchises: Also 3 Grand Theft Auto games, like 6 Need For Speed games (and from …
PlayStation Portable (PSP) - Reddit
The moderation of r/psp and the Reddit admins strictly oppose piracy in any way. Linking to or discussing an illegal file or warez will risk you getting banned from the subreddit. This is also a …
What are the best PSP games you would recommend? : r/PSP
r/PSP • My 2008 PSP 3000 Mods. A 2,600mah Stereo loudspeaker Handgrip with built-in mp3 player, installed 10,000mah battery mod and 64gb storage mod. The battery mod was my best …
Is buying a PSP worth it in 2024? : r/PSP - Reddit
While I still play on my PSP, mainly because I haven't gotten round to hacking my Vita yet, buying a SD2Vita etc., I do think the d-pad and analogue nub/stick are significantly better on the Vita. …
What are some actually good PSP games that are worth the time …
2024年5月26日 · When you think of the PSP (release period and (for lack of a better word) attitude), what songs, artists, and albums come to your mind. I'm always looking for good …
Which psp version do you think is the best and why? And what
2022年1月20日 · PSP 1000 is the best feeling in the hand for a lot of people as it’s chunkier. PSP 3000 has the best display in terms of colours but is not perfect. PSP Go is the best in terms of …
Ultimate PSP Guide. A month in the making and 40+ hours : r/PSP
2022年3月24日 · Just becase it's on the sidebar doesn't mean I can't include it. I didn't write it just fo reddit. I only thought about posting it here after the fact. I could of included JigKick, but it's …
What are the best psp games? : r/PSP - Reddit
The Final Fantasy games for psp are pretty great. I, II, III, IV got remasters for the PSP as well as FF Tactics War of the Lions. you can also get FFVII, VIII, IX from the play store (have to …
r/PspModding - Reddit
Hi, Im new to psp hardware modding but have some technical background. I saw the youtube video on adding a right analog joystick on the psp 2000 and was wondering if there are any …
PSP Themes : r/PSP - Reddit
Update 4/17/21. All Hong Kong PSP themes have been added. Update 5/1/21. All Pursuit Force themes have been added. These theme were released with the PSP 2000 back in 2007. …