Talk it Out Tuesday - Console Wars: DS vs PSP : r/nintendo - Reddit
2016年11月22日 · Overall, DS had way more support and games/game quality than the PSP. the PSP had some great games, but it didnt have enough support to make it a worthwhile system to have/invest it for your handheld gaming needs.
Sony PSP vs. Nintendo DS - IGN
2005年3月29日 · The PSP features the better face buttons as they're bigger and feel more like a regular controller. The DS' face buttons are rather small. Deciding the better D-Pad is sort of a toss-up...
PSP vs. DS - Which did you prefer back in the day, and which
2023年8月8日 · PSP would sell approx. 80 mil units, and would be succeeded by the ill-fated Vita. DS would sell approx. 150 mil units, and would be succeeded by the successful 3DS. Both units saw several revisions and form factor/feature adjustments through their lifespans.
PSP vs DS - YouTube
2007年4月28日 · PSP vs DS
Buyer's Guide: Nintendo DS versus Sony PSP - GameSpot
2006年1月20日 · The Nintendo DS and Sony PSP are two fantastic portable game systems, but they have such distinctive games and capabilities that you must know about both systems to make the right purchase...
Nintendo DS vs Sony PSP 3000: What is the difference? - Versus
What is the difference between Sony PSP 3000 and Nintendo DS? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the game console ranking.
DS Vs. PSP Showdown - IGN
2008年1月8日 · What we've decided to do, then, is go through the large DS and PSP catalogues genre by genre, looking at the best games available, and awarding a winner for each genre.
【ゲーム機の歴史】世紀の決戦!PSP vs DS 両者の戦略を見なが …
2021年8月27日 · dsとpspをそれぞれ牽引するゲームである「ポケモン」と「モンハン」。両者は「モンスターを捕まえる」と「モンスターを狩る」という方向性、デザイン、ターゲットなどまるで正反対を行っているようなゲームだが、この両者は相容れないのか。
What's better PSP VS 3DS - Reddit
i’ve homebrewed both, psp is way easier, 3ds is complicated but still worth it as you can’t emulate nds and 3ds on a psp, your limitation with the psp is n64 and some titles will run choppy on it without increasing the cpu clock aka using more battery life quicker. psp is great for GBC GBA and NES which is mainly what i use it for, it’s ...
Sony PSP Vs Nintendo DS - Review - YouTube
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrVideoG...3DS Vs PS Vita: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15p6Eo6chiE&list=PLRTXzTxY6vOiIuxdUwzqh_hfewuaAXRd6&index=...