Sony PlayStation 2 vs Sony PSP 3000: What is the difference? - Versus
What is the difference between Sony PlayStation 2 and Sony PSP 3000? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the game console ranking.
Are PSP games actually better than the PS2 versions?
Beyond everything Burgers said, the PSP versions have the closest thing to classic AC multiplayer that we're ever going to get (namely services like Coldbird), and they're the closest …
PSP 和 PS2 哪个好 - 百度知道
PSP 和 PS2 哪个好可以从两方面说起1:功能性:索尼公司创造的拥有强大多媒体效果的PSP显然不是PS2所能比的,PSP可看电影,听音乐,上网(在WIFI区域),打游戏.而PS2就只能玩游 …
PSP or PS2 game versions? : r/OdinHandheld - Reddit
2023年12月7日 · Thanks for this! I got the best versions where it made sense. GTA Vice City Stories was the best for PS2, while GTA Liberty City Stories was the best for PSP and GTA …
PSP or PS2? : r/ps2 - Reddit
The PlayStation 2 (PS2) is Sony's second game console. Released in 2000, it officially replaced the PlayStation 1 in Sony's lineup, offering backwards compatibility with the PS1.
PS2和PSP哪个机能更强大? - 百度贴吧
我有PS2,机型75002,上年6月底买的.前几天看朋友玩PSP,觉得PSP的画面比PS2的更好更精细.觉得PSP的机能应该不在PS2之下,不过有人告诉我PSP机能其实之在PS1和PS2之间.可是如 …
关于PS2与PSP机能的比较(DamonPS2和PPSSPP所需手机性能的 …
关于ps2与psp机能的差别,ppsspp作者在他的论坛里简单介绍过。 按照上文意思,也就是说,要模拟器psp,只需要模拟器一个单核心的处理器即可。而模拟ps2,需要同时至少模拟3个处理 …
PSP和PS2的游戏画面对比。 - 百度贴吧
我发此贴的目的主要是针对PSP机能等于或接近PS2的所谓公平论支持者。 我们都知道PSP由于屏幕较小,在这4寸多的液晶屏上游戏画面确实很细腻,所以我这次测试所用的是同样的显示设 …
Sony PlayStation 2 vs Sony PSP 2000: What is the difference? - Versus
What is the difference between Sony PlayStation 2 and Sony PSP 2000? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the game console ranking.
PSP与PS2机能对比 - 百度知道
2009年7月25日 · 大家看下面的资料,明明psp机能和ps2是接近的,而许多ps2游戏并未发挥ps2的所有机能,而且战神这部游戏的psp版画面是绝不输给ps2的。 那么为什么网上都说PSP机能 …
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