Changelog; Old Changelog; PSX2PSP v.1.4.2 info: * Bugfix, iso.ccd and iso.cue files where not deleted after extracting iso.
PSP - Conversion of games to Eboot.PBP format - PSX-Place
2021年3月23日 · Also, games launched via EBOOT.PBP use Sony's own emulator (NP9660). This one can be very good for compatibility, but can also lack some features and fixes from Inferno driver. For example, NP9660 games can't have a cache and high memory at the same time (it crashes), inferno can.
PSP - PSXtract2021 - PSX-Place
It was originally written by Hykem, and has been modified by Mr-Berzerk to be compatible with Windows 10 x64, and add support for additional PSX pbp roms. EG. Wing Commander IV. This tool allows you to decrypt a PSOne Classics EBOOT.PBP …
Convert Playstation (PSX) games to play on the PSP - Digiex
2007年6月1日 · PSX2PSP is a tool for converting Playstation (PS1) game ISO/BIN files to PSP Eboots for use with PSP systems which have custom firmware.
eboot - PSX-Place
2025年1月3日 · So I overclocked my PS3 and decided to make a modified eboot.bin for persona 5, which takes the frame rate cap to 60fps. The game usually hovers... Thread by: tts120 , Jun 4, 2024 , 0 replies, in forum: General PS3 Discussion
eboot.bin - PSX-Place
2024年6月4日 · So I overclocked my PS3 and decided to make a modified eboot.bin for persona 5, which takes the frame rate cap to 60fps. The game usually hovers... Thread by: tts120 , Jun 4, 2024 , 0 replies, in forum: General PS3 Discussion
Modding/Editing EBOOT.BIN with Unlock FPS Patches - PSX-Place
2021年12月23日 · Open the eboot.bin (decrypted to eboot.elf) using HxD, search for the original Hex Values you wrote down. Edit them with the new hex values suggested by the patch, in this case: 00 00 00 00. After that reencrypt your new EBOOT.BIN, replace the old one located at dev_hdd>GAMES>(game paste)(example GTA IV)>USRDIR for the new one.
PS3 - [TUTORIAL] How to create a debug EBOOT from SELF - PSX …
2022年11月22日 · EBOOT.BIN is the debug EBOOT. In the same game folder on your PS3 where you got the <GAME>.SELF file, rename the EBOOT.BIN file to EBOOT.BIN.BAK. This step is needed if you want to restore the game selection menu. Copy the debug EBOOT.BIN file to the game folder on your PS3. That's it!. You should now be able to attach a …
Eboot.PBP on PS3 - PSX-Place
2014年11月8日 · Then was your *.PBP a custom one, psxtract will only extract them but if put a PSOne Classic Game from Sony into psxtract it will decrypt the pops pbp and the iso header and give you also a *.bin file
PS3HEN - [GUIDE] Properly sign SPRX and EBOOT for HEN | PSX …
2019年3月16日 · Download ESSE and put your EBOOT into the same folder with the .bat; Open the .bat file and press A, it will tell you what kind of EBOOT you have, NPDRM (PSN content) or Disc Based EBOOT; You will now have options to pick what conversion you what. Choose "Resign to FREE TYPE NPDRM 3.55" for PSN content or …