lain game :: index
Lain Bootleg Game Remake feedback about English translation by psx.lain.pl. Save . Another English translation by ain. Save . Spanish translation by eternofímero. Korean translation by …
Serial Experiments Lain (video game) - Wikipedia
The Serial Experiments Lain video game, based on the anime of the same name, was released for PlayStation exclusively in Japan on November 26, 1998, by Pioneer LDC. It is largely …
Lain PSX游戏相关资料综合 - 百度贴吧
无论何时你通过手柄操作Lain,她都会拿起一个动画图标,播放这个图标里的动画或对话片断。 整个故事就像一个广播剧,它们被打乱并随机散布在每个图标中。 你必须搜出这些片断,并且 …
玲音 Lain 游戏资源指南 - 哔哩哔哩
《玲音》 PlayStation游戏于1998年11月26日由Pioneer LDC出版发行。 虽然脱胎于同一个制作团队且跟TV动画同年上映,但是游戏却是与动画相独立的故事( 但姑且也可以认为是动画剧情 …
SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN - (NTSC-J) - psxdatacenter.com
Serial Experiments Lain is an anime series directed by Ryutaro Nakamura, original character design by Yoshitoshi ABe, screenplay written by Chiaki J. Konaka, and produced by Yasuyuki …
Lain-PSX-Chinese-Translation/guide.md at main - GitHub
欢迎来到LainTSX,这是1998年PlayStation游戏《玲音的系列实验》的一个基于网络的、开源的、英语重制版本。 在和角色设计者安倍吉俊的一次访谈中,他说道这个游戏是在番剧之前开发 …
Serial Experiments Lain (video game)
Serial Experiments Lain is a video game release for the PlayStation in November 26, 1998 two months after the last episode of anime. It was designed by Chiaki J. Konaka and Yasuyuki …
ad044/LainTSX - GitHub
A browser-based implementation of the Serial Experiments Lain PSX game using react-three-fiber with the aim to provide multi-language support and make it more accessible. The original PSX …
Serial Experiments Lain (game)
2024年11月28日 · Serial Experiments Lain is a Japanese video game for the PlayStation 1 based on the animated series of the same name, which was released on November 26, 1998. The …
Serial Experiments Lain (PSX) – fully translated and playable!
2021年4月6日 · You explore diary entries, listen to interviews between Lain and her psychologist, and spiral further down the rabbit hole until you learn the truth: both literally and figuratively. If …