GitHub - Lameguy64/PSn00bSDK: The most powerful open source SDK …
PSn00bSDK is an open source homebrew software development kit for the original Sony PlayStation, consisting of a C/C++ compiler toolchain and a set of libraries that provide a layer …
2023年6月13日 · This is the official PSX SDK that licensed Sony developers used to make their games (EG: WipEout, Crash Bandicoot, etc). We reccomend starting off with the Psy-Q SDK …
nathanhi/psxsdk: Homebrew Sony PlayStation 1 SDK - GitHub
PSXSDK is an unofficial homebrew software development kit for the Sony PlayStation™. The SDK supports both GCC as well as Its programming tools (compiler, assembler, linker, etc.) …
Getting Started - psx.dev
The original official SDK, together with the compilers/linkers of the time. Most of them are built for 16 bit, so you will need old operating systems, virtual machines, are some other ways of …
Downloads - PSXDEV
The SDK's were designed by Sony to run under Microsoft Windows 95-98. They may not work correctly on other Windows versions. If you have any PlayStation CD-ROM's that look like the …
This tutorial will teach you how to setup and install Psy-Q for the PlayStation 1 (PSX, PS1 / PSone). What is Psy-Q? Psy-Q was an SDK created by SN Systems Limited and Psygnosis. …
GitHub - ChrisRx/psxsdk: psxsdk is a collection of tools and …
psxsdk is a collection of tools and libraries for Playstation 1 development. psxsdk was initially creating software to use the Net Yaroze on linux, but the scope has grown to include any PS1 …
Welcome to the PSX development links center, where all the links related to development on the first Playstation meet ! To discuss the contents of this document, or hang out with likely …
Starting PSX development - Arthus.net
PSn00bSDK It's shiny new, open-source, and fairly documented. It works on Win, Macos and Gnu/Linux. You (might) need some examples... You can find samples for most of the PSX's …
[TUTORIAL] Setting up the PSXSDK under Windows and Linux
2018年2月2日 · PSXSDK is an open source software development kit for the Sony PlayStation 1 console made by NextVolume aka Tails92. In this tutorial I will explain how to install and use …