DRIFTS study of CO adsorption on Pt nanoparticles supported by …
2017年1月1日 · Here we present a case study where we assign CO adsorption bands to the structure of Platinum nanoparticles with a given size distribution. Using a special diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) cell allows to achieve high quality data under in-situ conditions.
The CO band of Pt sites and Sn sites disappeared completely at 350 ℃ on 0.6%Pt-0.3%Sn/Al 2 O 3. Compared reforming catalysts Pt-Sn/Al 2 O 3 with Pt/Al 2 O 3, the linearly adsorbed CO band of Pt sites shift to high frequencies. This suggests that the electronic density of Pt increased due to the loading of Sn.
Combined DRIFTS and DFT Study of CO Adsorption and …
2020年4月16日 · Pt surface enrichment upon CO exposure was observed by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and rationalized by the theoretical calculations, which also indicated that isolated Pt was favored over Pt pairing in a Sn-rich alloy.
基于CO作为探针分子的原位漫反射红外光谱法(DRIFT)对催化剂表 …
2. CO吸附的原位漫反射红外光谱研究(DRIFT): 使用CO作为探针分子的红外光谱广泛的被用来研究负载催化剂活性组分 的形貌、颗粒大小、电子结构、活性组分与载体的相互作用等等。尽管透射红外 有着广泛的应用,由于漫反射红外(diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared
In situ DRIFT spectroscopy insights into the reaction mechanism of CO ...
The Pt–CeO 2 catalyst exhibited the best catalytic performance for individual CO and toluene oxidation, and effectively slowed down the competitive reaction in the presence of both CO and toluene. This superior performance over the Pt–CeO 2 catalyst was associated with the formation of strong metal–support interactions (SMSIs) between the ...
郭耘团队ACS Catalysis: 立方体CeO2负载的Pt纳米颗粒在丙烷催化 …
结果表明Pt/CeO2(100)上丙烷催化燃烧的尺寸效应归因于不同Pt纳米颗粒的尺寸与CeO2(100)面相互作用所引起的Pt物种电子性质和几何结构的变化。 背景介绍挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)是大气污染的主要贡献者,轻质烷烃(如丙烷)因其饱和结构而难以被吸附和活化,是 ...
天大巩金龙团队NC:Pt/Cu原子合金催化剂打破脱氢催化的线性关 …
单原子Pt/Cu SAA催化剂有一个合适的脱氢活化能垒,且有相当高的选择性。而孤立的Pt/Cu SAA中的Pt原子只能与深度脱氢的积碳前驱体C3H5相互作用,而在Pt(111)上不具有较稳定的Pt-C相互作用。
由 DFT 计算支持的 Pt 纳米粒子上 CO 吸附的 DRIFTS 研究,Journal …
2017年1月1日 · 在这里,我们提出了一个案例研究,我们将 CO 吸附带分配给具有给定尺寸分布的铂纳米粒子的结构。 使用特殊的漫反射红外傅里叶变换光谱 (DRIFTS) 单元可以在原位条件下获得高质量的数据。 依赖于温度的 CO 吸附光谱分为三个波段,这取决于所应用的流动和预处理条件。 我们使用密度泛函理论 (DFT) 的计算可以模拟实验结果并将这些带与粒子结构联系起来。 通过明确计算不同尺寸的 CO/Pt 纳米颗粒的 IR 光谱,我们表明 IR 波段是由于尺寸和位点效应的组合 …
CO-induced surface structural changes of Pt on oxide-supported Pt …
2003年7月25日 · A slight difference was detected on Pt/Al 2 O 3, where the 2117 cm −1 band (CO adsorbed on monoatomic Pt 0)—as a consequence of the reductive disruption of Pt crystallites—appeared only after the disappearance of the bands (2069 and 2041 cm −1) due to CO adsorbed on edged and kinked Pt atoms.
(a) DRIFT spectra for CO chemisorption on TiO2, Pt/TiO2 and Pt…
Herein, we report a Pt-based catalyst with only a 0.15 wt% Pt loading, which consists of Pt–Ti intermetallic single-atom alloy (ISAA) and Pt nanoparticles (NP) co-supported on a defective...
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