Platinum–copper single atom alloy catalysts with high ... - Nature
2019年12月20日 · Herein we report a PtCu single atom alloy (SAA) catalyst with single Pt atom dispersed on Cu nanoclusters, which exhibits dramatically boosted catalytic performance (yield: 98.8%) towards...
De-alloyed PtCu/C catalysts with enhanced ... - RSC Publishing
2021年5月4日 · Herein, we report the synthesis of de-alloyed PtCu/C catalysts with high electrocatalytic performance and low Pt-loading, which can be prepared via a simple polyol method followed by an electrochemical de-alloying treatment for improving the ORR activity.
γ-Fe2O3-supported Pt-Cu nanoparticles synthesized by radiolytic …
2011年10月18日 · Detailed STEM-EDX analyses further confirmed that Pt-Cu alloy exists as nanoparticles with a few nanometers in diameter and CuO with low crystallinity distributes on entire surface of the γ-Fe 2 O 3 support. The PROX activity showed different trends between high-Pt and high-Cu samples.
EDS/EDX能谱常见问题总结 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
开始的时候能谱的缩写有很多,比如EDS,EDX,EDAX等,大家对此也都心照不宣,知道ED就是Energy Dispersive,后面因为X-ray Analysis和Spectrum这几个词的不同用法,导致了缩写的不同。
Structure evolution of PtCu nanoframes from disordered to ordered …
2021年3月1日 · PtCu alloy nanoframes are synthesised by a facile, scalable solvothermal strategy. The rhombohedral structure PtCu intermetallics (L 1 1 -PtCu) deliver only 15% attenuation after 30,000 potential cycles. In-situ heating experiment is conducted to observe the shape evolution during structural transformation.
Structure–Stability Relationships in Pt-Alloy Nanoparticles Using ...
2025年1月7日 · Coupled with simulated 4D-STEM data, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), this is a thorough study of the local structure–stability relationship of individual Pt–Cu nanoparticles.
Synthesis and characterization of Cu core Pt–Ru shell …
2014年5月27日 · Cu@Pt–Ru core–shell supported electrocatalysts have been synthesized by a two-step process via a galvanic displacement reaction. XRD diffraction and EDX analysis, and cyclic voltammetry measurements revealed the presence of nanoparticles composed by a Cu-rich Pt–Cu core surrounded by a Pt-rich Pt–Ru shell.
Elemental EDX mapping of Cu, N, O and Pt obtained from PtCuO4 …
Platinum deposited CuO nanostructure films were synthesized using the wet-chemical route and photochemical deposition methods. CuO nanostructure films were grown on copper foil as substrate via a...
Monitoring the insertion of Pt into Cu - RSC Publishing
In this work we have explored the experimental conditions to facilitate and enhance the insertion of Pt into the Cu 2−x Se nanocrystalline lattice, forming novel ternary phases that show a high degree of miscibility and compositional variability.
resultant carbon-supported CuNi@Pt-Cu core@shell nano-octahedra showed superior activity in electrochemical methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) compared with the commercial Pt/C catalysts and
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