P.T. (video game) - Wikipedia
P.T. (initialism for "playable teaser") is a 2014 psychological horror game developed by Kojima Productions under the pseudonym "7780s Studio" and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. It was directed and designed by Hideo Kojima in collaboration with filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, and was released for free on the PlayStation 4.
The Real Reason Konami Killed P.T. - SVG
2022年11月3日 · First, Konami warned PlayStation 4 owners that P.T. would no longer be distributed. Even with this heads up, it turned out that once deleted, " P.T." was gone for good . Players were unable to re-download the game from their …
P.T remake quietly lands on PlayStation 5, and you can play now
2024年9月24日 · Despite the psychological horror title P.T. no longer available to download and play, one gamer has found a way to make it possible and the results are startling. Serving as an interactive teaser for the game Silent Hills, P.T. was released in 2014 by Kojima Productions and was free for PlayStation 4 users.
P.T. - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
《P.T.》(全名: Playable Teaser)是一款第一人稱視角 恐怖遊戲,由日本遊戲設計師 小島秀夫 監督, 小島工作室 開發,並由 科樂美 發行。 遊戲於2014年8月12日在 PlayStation Network 免費下載,作為被取消開發的 沉默之丘 系列作品「Silent Hills」的互動宣傳片。 玩家在遊戲中置身於一所洋館中,在一道不斷重複的走廊中探索和經歷超自然事件。 《P.T.》所獲的評價普遍正面,評論大多讚揚恐怖元素和輪迴走廊設定,但批評謎題過於複雜。 科樂美在遊戲開發取消後把 …
最遗憾的被取消的恐怖游戏——P.T. - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
这款游戏是由大家都熟知的制作人 小岛秀夫 和好莱坞导演德尔托罗以及演员诺曼里德斯(人称弩哥)合作主导的 《P.T.》 在2014年8月12日问世后,获得了热烈的反响,即使是一个Demo概念视频的形式,在游戏圈以及社交媒体上引发了空前且剧烈的反向,但非常令人 ...
小島秀夫紀念恐怖名作《P.T.》八周年 下架遊戲員工首發聲:希望 …
2022年8月15日 · 除了公開身分,呂瑋也回答是因為 Konami 的關係致使《P.T.》下架。 即使如此,呂瑋補充這對於 Konami 的員工來說是個「艱困的決定」,並特別讚賞索尼以及 Konami 當時的客服人員,其中表示 Konami 當時出面幫許多員工擋下來自粉絲的不滿。
Ex-Konami employee addresses ‘P.T.’ delisting after eight years - NME
2022年8月14日 · The former Konami staff member responsible for putting up and taking down P.T. – the free teaser for the later cancelled Silent Hills – from storefronts has talked about the process of removing...
The Legend of P.T.: Kojima’s Masterpiece That Never Happened - Game Rant
2022年8月16日 · With P.T. turning 8 years old this month, Kojima and his fellow creators have looked back at the teaser, and what could have been. RELATED: Death Stranding 2, Project Overdose Spell Bad News for...
On PT’s 8th birthday, the person who delisted it speaks out ... - VGC
2022年8月13日 · Eight years after its release, the person who claims to have been tasked with pulling Konami’s P.T. from PlayStation servers has spoken about the experience for the first time. P.T. was a critically-acclaimed playable teaser for Hideo Kojima’s cancelled Silent Hills game, which was released as part of a surprise drop during Gamescom 2014.
SILENT HILL f Official Website - KONAMI
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