In Situ TEM for Structural and Chemical Evolutions of Bimetallic Pt–Ni …
2024年7月3日 · This study investigates the thermally induced structural and chemical evolutions of single-crystalline Pt–Ni NPs using in situ transmission electron microscopy.
Engineering bunched Pt-Ni alloy nanocages for efficient oxygen
2019年11月15日 · We report one-dimensional bunched platinum-nickel (Pt-Ni) alloy nanocages with a Pt-skin structure for the oxygen reduction reaction that display high mass activity (3.52 amperes per milligram platinum) and specific activity (5.16 milliamperes per square centimeter platinum), or nearly 17 and 14 times higher as compared with a commercial platinu...
Platinum–nickel frame within metal-organic framework fabricated
2015年9月22日 · Here we present an unique in situ etching and coordination synthetic strategy for exploiting a functionalized metal-organic framework to incorporate the bimetallic platinum–nickel frames, thereby...
<br>原位 TEM 观察双金属 Pt-Ni 纳米粒子在高温下的结构和化学 …
本研究利用原位透射电子显微镜研究了单晶 Pt-Ni 纳米颗粒的热诱导结构和化学演化。 观察到的形态演化包括从截角八面体到类球形各向同性形状的小面发展,随后由于表面原子迁移和颗粒-基底相互作用所导致的界面润湿而在高温下形成薄煎饼状椭圆体形状。
Surface‐Engineered Pt‐Ni(111) Nanocatalysts for Boosting Their …
2024年10月29日 · Pt−Ni nano-octahedra annealed in different gas atmospheres exhibit distinct ORR activity profiles. The catalyst treated with hydrogen (H 2 /Ar) annealing showed reduced surface Ni species and resulted in superior mass and specific activities for ORR.
Ni-Pt bimetallic adsorbent for deep desulphurization of ... - Springer
1 天前 · Comparing the TEM diagrams and particle size results of Pt/Al 2 O 3-CA and Ni-Pt/Al 2 O 3-CA revealed that the inclusion of Ni led to smaller Pt particles, with average diameter of approximately 2.52 nm. This was mainly due to the strong interaction between Pt and Ni, which on the one hand made the impregnated Pt less prone to aggregation, and ...
Insights on Morphology and Thermal Stability of Hollow Pt ... - MDPI
2025年2月8日 · The thermal stability of Pt-based HNSs under TEM vacuum and 1 bar of hydrogen flow is reported by considering microstructural changes, e.g., the build-up of a continuous shell and its evolution until HNSs collapse at elevated temperatures (>500 °C).
Comparing Intrinsic Catalytic Activity and Practical Performance of Ni …
5 天之前 · Figure 1. Compiled measurements of HER activity across Ni- and Pt-based catalysts in 0.1 M KOH under thin-film RDE test conditions. (a) Representative polarization curve for the four catalysts of interest at a mass loading of 0.12–0.13 mg cat /cm 2. (b) Cathodic specific current at −100 mV vs RHE versus metal mass loading for the same catalysts and conditions as in panel a.
In situ electron microscopy: atomic-scale dynamics of metal
2 天之前 · 4a shows in situ bright-field (BF) TEM images of the initial-stage oxidation of Ni–25 wt%Cr in CO 2, revealing the nucleation and growth of a Cr 2 O 3 island. A similar pattern is observed in O ...
An Electrochemistry in Situ TEM Study on the Shape Evolution of ...
Here, we present a novel in situ TEM electrochemistry study in acidic media on octahedral Pt-Ni nanoparticles synthesized via a solvo-thermal route. With real time imaging we were able to track and observe changes in the catalyst structure and …
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