MZ3 TYPE PTC THERMISTOR for Delay-Time FEATURES Delay life and energy-saving is avaiable for electronic light and ballast. One of restricting current unite in digital multimeter APPLICATION ENVIROMENTAL CONDITIONS Environmental temperature: -1 0℃~+125℃ Relative humidity: 93%( + 40℃±2℃) Vibration frequency: 10~ 55Hz Acceleration: 98m/s2
PTC FEATURES α High ageing cofficient CHARACTERISTICS HOW TO ORDER PTC THERMISTOR Superior withstanding voltage ˘ˇ Current-Time Curve ˆ Resistance-Temperature Curve. MZ 21P 560 R PTC PTC Thermistor ˙˝˛˚Product style ˜ ˛Current-Limited ˘!"Delay-Time 2 3 ˙˝˛˚ #$%Sequence No. MZ3 1. Coating type&’˚ 2. Plastic type()*˚ 3. Empty ...
PTC热敏电阻MZ3 MZ4 MZ5 MZ6 MZ8 MZ10 MZ12 全系列现货
加工定制:否,品牌:中性,型号:PTC热敏电阻,种类:热敏,性能:通用,材料:合成膜,制作工艺:合成式,外形:圆形,允许偏差:25%,温度系数:PTC,功率特性:中功率,频率特性:中频,产品性质:热销,货号:3000100269,是否跨境出口专供货源:否。 ① 产品代号:表示正温度系数热敏电阻MZ—PTCThermistors② 产品的标志代号:6代表直径为6mm的产品标志;...
PTC正温度热敏电阻 MZ3 1.5K 直径3MM 75度 - 1688.com
这是ptc正温度热敏电阻 mz3 1.5k 直径3mm 75度的详细页面。 加工定制:是,品牌:---,型号:MZ3 1.5K,种类:热敏,性能:通用,材料:合成膜,制作工艺:合成式,外形:--,允许偏差:25,温度系数:PTC,额定功率:--(W),功率特性:中功率,频率特性:中频,产品性质:新品 ...
Preheating Starting MZ3 1200 Ohm PTC Thermistor 800V 75C PTC …
2021年11月16日 · Preheating Starting PTC Thermistor MZ3 800~1200 Ohm 800V 75C For Energy Saving Lamps. I Description Of The Preheating Starting PTC Thermistor MZ3. Delay life and energy-saving is avaiable for electronic light and ballast. One of restricting current unite in digital multimeter Ac circuit thermal protection. Environmental temperature: -10 ~ +125℃.
MZ3-P100RN Datasheet, thermistor equivalent, ETC
ptc thermistor. Download the MZ3-P100RN datasheet for detailed specifications and information on the MZ3-P100RN electronic component. Datasheet4U.com - MZ3-P100RN
HMZ13-06M45RN和HMZ13-09M345RNPTC热敏电阻是我公司从程控交换机用程控保安单元演变出来的一种应用于485通讯接口的保护元器件。 该产品串接在485通讯接口中,可有效防止通讯线路因意外破损或人为损害而导入的220V市电时对该接口的损坏,也可适当降低雷电感应对该接口的影响。 汉高扬专业生产热敏电阻,PTC热敏电阻,NTC热敏电阻,设备齐全、资金雄厚,全程生产。 拥有先进的自主产权配方及全套热敏电阻生产技术,凭借热敏电阻行业经验丰富专家、学者和 …
PTC热敏电阻MZ3 MZ4 MZ5 MZ6 MZ8 MZ10 15P 16P 19P 20P …
Delay life and energy-saving is avaiable for electronic light and ballast. One of restricting current unite in digital multimeter. Ac circuit thermal protection.
ptc热敏电阻型号参数详解 - szsmyg.com
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